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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

All students are welcome—jump into ASI events and programs!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

ASI supports social justice initiatives and education for the CSUF student body, campus, and surrounding communities.

About ASI Anti-Racism and DEI Initiatives

ASI stands with those who are marginalized to promote a society in which all voices are heard and to nurture a respectful environment in which all persons can grow, succeed, and thrive.


ASI believes that when diversity, equity, and inclusion are put into practice, the entire organization benefits by allowing all individuals to live, work, and learn as their most authentic selves. This commitment also includes providing fair and inclusive access to all of our ASI facilities, services, and programs.


Opportunities for education and engagement provide space for continuous transformation and growth as an organization.


Racism is an ongoing pervasive problem in American society. Within institutions such as higher education, historically racist practices have systematically ensured that racial minorities cannot always access the same opportunities and privileges as white people to succeed.


ASI recognizes that as a community of both educators and learners, we are in a unique position to address racism in its many forms. ASI has the opportunity and obligation to further dispense of racism through education and training, and by supporting civic engagement amongst our students, staff and campus partners.


ASI commits to identifying and naming racism when we see it, continuing to educate ourselves and our partners on the importance of being actively anti-racist, and working to dismantle racist systems, policies, and procedures.

Amplified – CSUF’s Common Listen Program

The CSUF Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Programs is excited to announce Amplified: CSUF’s Common Listen Program! Amplified is a proactive dialogue series that harnesses the power of community through podcasts.


By educating the campus community on equity and social justice issues through open dialogue, amplified aims to provide the space for participants to develop essential skills for engaging in conversations across differences and foster critical connections between personal identity and social justice.


Each month, a highlighted podcast will be chosen for the campus community to listen and come together for dialogue. Join Amplified dialogues to explore, learn, and contribute to a more equitable and inclusive campus environment!


Your voice matters – amplify it with us


Amplified: CSUF’s Common Listen Program

Spring 2024 Podcasts and Dialogue Events



Contact if you have any questions

Training and Engagement Calendar

DEI Calendar

DEI Calendar
DEI Calendar
Event NameDateTimeLocationLinkadditional info
ICCP Core: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 101April 8th12-1pmCP-730Click the Event Link Here
Emotional Intelligence in Cross Cultural InteractionsApril 10th 10-11amClick the Event Link Here
ICCP Core: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 101April 10th11am-noonClick the Event Link Here
ASI Staff Book Club: Taking on the Plastics CrisisApril 10th1:30-2:30 pmGilman AB
EAP Session: Communicating Cooperatively at WorkApril 10thNoon-1pmClick the Event Link Here
Boost: What it Takes to Be Racially LiterateApril 11th12-1pmSGMH 3210Click the Event Link HereRegistration closes April 9th
Expressions: Autism Awareness MonthApril 17th10-2pmPub
Irshad Manji keynote - Diversity Without Division: How to Unify People Even When We Disagree BiglyApril 22nd11:30-1pmO'Brien room (SGMH 3230)Click the Event Link Here
ICCP Elective: Gender and Pronoun UseApril 23rd10-11amClick the Event Link Here
ICCP Elective: Gender and Pronoun UseApril 23rd1-2pmClick the Event Link Here
ICCP Core: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 200: IntersectionalityApril 24th10-11:30amClick the Event Link Here
Amplified Common Listen Program - How Do We Remain Bridgebuilders During Times of War?April 24th1-2:30pmO'Brien room (SGMH 3230)Click the Event Link HereListen to April's selected podcast: How Do We Remain Bridgebuilders During Times of War? before the dialogue event!
ASI Staff Book Club: Taking on the Plastics CrisisMay 1st1:30-2:30 pmGilman AB
Expressions: Mental Health Awareness MonthMay 7th10-2pmPub
Allyship 101CanvasClick the Event Link Here
Allyship 101ETCClick the Event Link Here
Titans Together: Introduction to Racial Equity Module (IREM)ETCClick the Event Link Here
Titans Together: Introduction to Racial Equity Module (IREM)CanvasClick the Event Link Here
Conducting Equitable and Inclusive Searches (CEIS)CanvasClick the Event Link Here
Conducting Equitable and Inclusive Searches (CEIS)ETCClick the Event Link Here

Combatting Discrimination

ASI Engagement and Learning Programs:

  • Association for InterCultural Awareness: The Association for Inter-Cultural Awareness (AICA) is the part of Programming that plans events to highlight, celebrate, and educate students about culture and diversity. Through performances, showcases, festivals, and experiences that bring out a variety of culture based student organizations and campus departments, AICA gives students and the campus community the chance to come together to learn, grow, and appreciate one another. AICA also serves as a funding source for events hosted by culture-based student organizations on campus.
  • Adaptive Recreation: Titan Recreation is proud to offer programs and training services for all abilities. We aim to create an inclusive, welcoming, accommodating, and accessible environment to give all participants the opportunity to develop as athletes. Click here for more information on adaptive recreation. 
  • ASI Food Pantry: Addressing food insecurity among college students has been a CSU system-wide effort for a number of years. The Pantry is a new and permanent program to the CSUF campus that serves to distribute foods and support students facing food insecurity. The Pantry’s inventory rotates between various food items; typically offering a variety of non-perishable foods, canned goods, and fresh produce. Click here for more information on The Pantry.
  • Beyond the Conversation:

    ASI and the Division of Student Affairs has joined forces to create a special series of events, headlined by guest speakers, focused on social justice and diversity with multiple perspectives, serving multiple communities. Throughout the year ASI also produces many smaller programs to supplement the speakers and their topics to better serve the diverse communities of CSUF.
    Some Clips from Previous Guest Speakers: Issa Rae  |  Ke Huy Quan  |  Hunter Schafer
    For all videos, please see TitanTV’s YouTube Channel

  • Camp Titan is a summer camp program operated by the Associated Students, Inc. of Cal State Fullerton. The camp is a one weeklong residential program provided at no cost to children from disadvantaged and/or low income backgrounds from the Orange County and surrounding area. Click here for more information on Camp Titan.
  • Social Justice Week: Social Justice Week (SJW) is an educational week-long event where students, faculty, and staff showcase their work on restorative and social justice through workshops, training, candid conversations, and more. Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Programs (DIEP) is excited to partner with Associated Students Inc. (ASI) to bring this important program to the campus. Click here for more information on Social Justice Week.

DIRC Engagement and Learning Programs:

Ally Trainings

  • LGBTQ Ally Training: The mission of Cal State Fullerton’s LGBTQ+ Ally Training program, hosted by the Losquadro Keller LGBTQ Resource Center, is to educate university staff and faculty about sexual/romantic orientation and gender identity.
  • UndocuAlly Training: The mission of Cal State Fullerton’s UndocuAlly Training program is to educate students, staff, and faculty about the immigrant experience and how to support undocumented students on campus.
  • Click here for more ally training information


Safe Space Training


Cultural Recognition Celebrations:

DIEP Engagement and Learning Programs:
  • Inclusion Champion Certificate Program: The Inclusion Champion Certificate is a program designed to help all members of CSUF engage in the inclusion and equity-minded efforts on campus through courses that provide opportunities for self-reflection, increase of cultural competency and awareness, and application to social, professional, and personal roles.
  • Diversity, Inclusion and Leadership Academy (DILA): DILA provides an immersive experience through the integration of competency-building seminars, applied learning, and critical dialogue.
  • Leadership Excellence and Development (LEAD): The Leadership Excellence and Development (LEAD) program is a transformative and comprehensive leadership development initiative designed to empower and nurture the potential of managers at Cal State Fullerton. The program aims to equip Titan managers with the essential skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to excel in leadership roles and make a positive impact in their workplaces.

HRDI Faculty Staff Associations:

  • Semesterly Title IX Training
  • Special Populations: Student-Athletes, Fraternities and Sororities, and Student Organizations
  • Title IX Student Ambassador Program: The Title IX Student Ambassador program is a leadership development opportunity for currently enrolled students to learn more about campus resources related to Title IX and gender equity issues on campus. Email for more information.
CSUF Campus Climate Survey:

DEI Observances Calendar

DEI Observances Calendar

DEI Observances Calendar
International Day of the World's Indigenous PeopleAugust 9The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples is observed each year to raise awareness and protect the rights of the world's indigenous population. This event also recognizes the achievements and contributions that indigenous people make to improve world issues such as environmental protection
International Youth DayAugust 12International Youth Day is commemorated every year , bringing youth issues to the attention of the international community and celebrating the potential of youth as partners in today’s global society.
World Humanitarian DayAugust 19World Humanitarian Day is an international day dedicated to recognize humanitarian personnel and those who have died working for humanitarian causes.
World Senior Citizen's DayAugust 21The World Senior Citizen's Day is celebrated on 21 August each year. The celebration took place for the first time in 1991. The day is intended to increase awareness of the factors and issues that affect older adults, such as health deterioration and elder abuse.
Women's Equality DayAugust 26Women's Equality Day is celebrated in the United States on August 26 to commemorate the 1920 adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which prohibits the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex.

Important Definitions

Diversity – differences of individuals within a group that can encompass gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, nationality, (dis)ability, language, religion, age, or political affiliation


Equity – the process of making sure each person has a fair chance by recognizing each person might have a different starting point


Inclusion – the practice of making sure everyone feels welcome regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, language, nationality, or (dis)ability


Anti-Racism – actively working to combat racism through first recognizing that systemic racism does happen and is part of everyday life, and then through this understanding, working to actively counter that by promoting racial justice and equality within the workplace


Bias – a natural psychological process that results in unwarranted opinions or hostile feelings about a social group that is perceived as different from one’s own. Although this is a natural psychological process that comes as a result of socialization in a biased world, recognizing it and countering it are pivotal to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work


Social Justice – the practice of advocating for equal opportunities and the fair distribution of resources for all people within a society, especially those who have been historically marginalized, and those that continue to be systemically marginalized today


Prejudice – like Bias, this is also a natural psychological process that results in negative attitudes, feelings, or options of other social group that are not based in fact


To further assist you in your diversity, equity, and inclusion journey at CSUF and in the community, we have compiled a list of resources. Below you will find links to our resource centers on campus, land recognitions, national hotlines, and various centers throughout Orange County that provide services to the community.


Resource Centers on campus


This is Tongva Land


National Hotlines

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline – (800) 799-SAFE
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline – (800) 656-4673
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline Spanish – (800) 942-6908
  • Trevor Project Hotline (Suicide) – (866) 4U-TREVOR
  • Suicide Hotline – (800) 784-2433
  • National Human Trafficking Hotline (888) 373-7888 or text 233733


Local Resource Centers

All students, regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity, national origin, or any other protected status, who are interested in learning more about Associated Students Inc. are welcome.

For additional information regarding specific services, please inquire within the department.