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Student Government - Associated Students, CSUF
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Student Government

Your elected student leaders – composed of the ASI Board of Directors, ASI President, and ASI Vice President – exist to ensure that you, the student, have a voice in matters related to your academic college, ASI, and the University.

About Student Government

ASI Board of Directors Statement

ASI Board of Directors Statement Regarding Support of Latinx/a/o Communities – April 9, 2024

Executive Officers

The ASI Executive Officers represent students’ needs and interests to the CSUF administration, faculty, staff, and campus community. They manage the day-to-day proceedings of student government and programs and initiate projects that benefit students.


The Executive Officers report progress on strategic initiatives to the Board of Directors and advocate for students at all levels within the university and in external public forums.


If you would like to speak with any member of the ASI Executive Officers, please stop by TSU-207 or call (657) 278-3295 to set up an appointment. General office hours are Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM. (Holiday hours may vary.)

Executive Officers' Office Hours

Joe Morales | President
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am-12:30pm


Suzette Morales | Vice President
Office Hours: Tuesdays 11am-Noon


Haneefah Syed | Chief Campus Relations Officer
Office Hours: Tuesdays 4pm-5pm


Megan Hannoun | Chief Governmental Officer
Office Hours: Wednesdays 11:30am-1:00pm


Andrea Ramirez-Rivera | Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Office Hours: Wednesday 3:30pm-4:30pm

Board of Directors

The ASI Board of Directors is composed of two voting representatives from each of the eight academic colleges on campus, as well as other officers and representatives. The Board is charged with setting policy for the Associated Students Inc., approving all funding allocations to programs and services, and advocating student interests on committees and boards.


The meetings of the ASI Board of Directors and standing committees shall be held on alternating weeks. Please refer to the schedule below for specific dates and times. The ASI Board of Directors and Committees meetings are open to the public, and all students are encouraged to attend.


If you would like to speak with any member of the Board of Directors, please stop by TSU-207 or call (657) 278-3295 to set up an appointment. General office hours are Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM. (Holiday hours may vary.)

Board of Directors Committee Meeting Schedule – Fall 2024

Board of Directors Office Hours

Gavin Ong | Chair | College of Communications
Office Hours: Tuesdays Noon-1pm, Thursdays 4pm-5pm


Brian Rubio | Vice Chair | College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Office Hours: Mondays/Wednesdays 1:00pm-2:00pm


Noah Alvarez | Secretary | College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Office Hours: Tuesdays 4:30pm-530pm, Thursdays: 1pm-2pm


Samantha Ngo | Treasurer | College of Business and Economics
Office Hours: Tuesdays 4 PM-5 PM


Joshua Lopez | College of the Arts
Office Hours: Tuesdays 10am-Noon


Benjamin Her | College of the Arts
Office Hours: Tuesdays 11am-12pm or Wednesdays 10am-11am


Joel Garibay | College of the Communications
Office Hours: Mondays/Wednesdays 8:30am-9:30am


Brian Walkley | College of Education
Office Hours: Thursdays 1pm-2pm


Keshev Daga | College of Engineering and Computer Science
Office Hours: Tuesdays Noon-1pm


Kavil Jain | College of Engineering and Computer Science
Office Hours: Mondays 3:30pm-4:30pm


Jared Brown | College of Health and Human Development
Office Hours: Mondays 4pm-5pm


Andrea Solares | College of Health and Human Development
Office Hours: Mondays Noon-1:00pm


Somi Nebedum | College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Office Hours: Tuesdays 3:45pm-4:45pm


Arianna Neeki | College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Office Hours: Wednesdays 1pm-2pm

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee has five areas of responsibilities: (1) to make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the selection and retention of the independent auditor (including compensation), (2) to confer with the auditor to determine that the financial affairs of the Associated Students, CSUF, Inc. (ASI) are in order, (3) to review and determine whether or not to accept the audit, (4) to ensure that any non-audit services performed by the auditing firm conform to standards of auditor independence, (5) and to approve the performance on non-audit services by the auditing firm.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall hold hearings on all proposed accounts and shall refer its budget recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall act on the Finance Committees recommendations and send them to the University President for approval.


Funding/Expenditure Approval Process

  1. Prior to requesting funding or expenditure approval, please contact the ASI Board of Directors Treasurer to set up a meeting to discuss your agenda item.
  2. In your email please provide a detailed description of your request, the importance of it being on the agenda for the Finance Committee meeting. Please specify if the request is time-sensitive, as you may also have to get BOD approval.
  3. Turn in all documentation by 5pm the Wednesday before the Finance Committee agenda you would like to be placed on. If the Treasurer has not met with you and received all your documentation by that Wednesday, you will not be place on the following Thursday’s Finance Committee agenda. Exceptions to this rule will be considered on a case-by-case basis, such as holiday weeks or unexpected circumstances resulting in extreme time-sensitivity.


Documentation for Finance Committee

Submit a memo that summarizes the proposal. Include a breakdown of costs, listing all necessary costs and highlighting what is being requested from ASI. Detail any other information you feel is relevant, such as why this expenditure is necessary and how many people will benefit from the program.


Contingency Request

Please review the attached guidelines BEFORE submitting your contingency request.


Contingency Request Guidelines


Link for Contingency Request

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee shall make recommendations concerning advocacy issues, policy, bylaws, and the articles of incorporation to the Board of Directors. The Governance Committee shall also be responsible for interviewing and recommending applicants for vacant Director positions during the academic term.

Facilities Committee

The Facilities Committee is responsible for making recommendations concerning ASI facility operations, renovations, and improvements, including the Titan Student Union, Student Recreation Center, and Children’s Center. The Facilities Committee makes recommendations concerning building operating hours, club space allocations, and facility operating policy. The Secretary will chair the Facilities Committee.

Program Assessment Committee

The Programs Assessment Committee is responsible for reviewing and assessing ASI programs and services and provides feedback and recommendations on program improvements. The Programs Assessment Committee makes recommendations on new program offerings and acquisitions for the ASI art collection. The Secretary will chair the Programs Assessment Committee.

ASI Commissions

ASI Commissions are charged with leading advocacy, programming, and outreach efforts on behalf of ASI. The student leaders across the various commission coordinate and develop events and advocacy campaigns within their area of focus.

Environmental Sustainability Commission

The Environmental Sustainability Commission shall be responsible for raising awareness of environmental and sustainability issues on campus, developing events and programs, advocating for the inclusion of sustainability best practices within the context of ASI’s operations and corporate responsibility, and serving as a liaison between interested student groups and ASI.

Lobby Corps Commission

The Lobby Corps Commission is responsible for advocating on behalf of student interests on all levels of governance affecting higher education and other public policy issues, planning and implementing programs and events that educate about policy issues and engage students and the campus community in advocacy efforts, and facilitating campaigns on issues of student interests and mobilize support of the CSUF student body, campus community, and beyond.

Social Justice and Equity Commission

The Social Justice & Equity Commission supports social justice initiatives as well as historically marginalized communities to uplift them and work to remove institutional barriers through educational campaigns and advocacy. The commission is also responsible for educational campaigns and collaborative events that advance social justice and equity on campus.

University Affairs Commission

The University Affairs Commission is responsible for advocating on behalf of students to improve student life and campus issues.

ASI Governance Ambassadors

The ASI Governance Ambassador program was established to provide student leadership opportunities for those interested in serving as a student representative on Academic Senate and university-wide committees.


The ambassador program ensures the voice of students is active within the campus shared governance model to engage all community members in decision-making affecting the Titan community.


Each ambassador serves on average 2-4 committees per semester and receives monthly leadership development support from ASI’s Student Government staff.


Applications for the ASI Governance Ambassador program open each spring for the following academic year.


Executive Officers


Representatives on the Board of Directors


Governance Ambassadors

Meet the ASI Student Leaders

Meet the ASI student leaders representing the California State University, Fullerton student body for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Joe Morales portrait
Joe Morales
Haeefah Syed Portrait
Haneefah Syed
Chief Campus Relations Officer
Noah Alvarez
Noah Alvarez
Board of Directors Secretary
Joel Garibay portrait
Joel Garibay
College of Communications
Kavil Jain portrait
Kavil Jain
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Arianna Neeki portrait
Arianna Neeki
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Suzette Morales Portrait
Suzette Morales
Vice President
Megan Hannoun portrait
Megan Hannoun
Chief Governmental Officer
Joshua Lopez portrait
Joshua Lopez
College of the Arts
Brian Walkley portrait
Brian Walkley
College of Education
Jared Brown portrait
Jared Brown
College of Health and Human Development
Gavin Ong portrait
Gavin Ong
Board of Directors Chair
Andrea Ramirez Rivera
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Benjamin Her portrait
Benjamin Her
College of the Arts
Renate Olivares portrait
Renata Olivares
College of Education
Andrea Solares portrait
Andrea Solares
College of Health and Human Development
Brian Rubio Portrait
Brian Rubio
Board of Directors Vice Chair
Samantha Ngo portrait
Samantha Ngo
Board of Directors Treasurer
Silhouette Portrait
Shay Quock
College of Business and Economics
Keshav Daga portrait
Keshav Daga
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Somi Nebedum portrait
Somi Nebedum
College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student Leadership Opportunities

ASI has a variety of student leadership opportunities within the Executive Officers team, Commissions, Ambassadors and Elections. Appointed positions go through an interview and Board of Directors approval process for a position term from June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025. ASI student leaders participate in training and development programs, plan and implement a variety of activities, campaigns, and programs, and receive a financial award connected to the position.


Apply now for a position for the 2024-2025 school year.

Executive Officer Positions

This application is for the Executive Officer student leadership positions with Associated Students Inc. at California State University, Fullerton. Priority Deadline is Friday, April 5, 2024 at 5:00pm.


Chief Campus Relations Officer: Responsible for University Affairs Commission and Environmental Sustainability Commission and programs/initiatives related to on-campus issues and campus climate as assigned


Chief Governmental Officer: Responsible for Lobby Corps Commission and California State Student Association (CSSA) Liaison and programs/initiatives related to legislative advocacy as assigned


Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer: Responsible for Social Justice and Equity Commission and on-campus social justice advocacy initiatives programs/initiatives as assigned.


Executive Officer Application

Board of Directors Positions

There is an opening in the following position(s):


Available seat(s):
-1 Director Seat(s) Representing the College of Education (Term for 2024-2025 School year–from June 1, 2024, through May 31, 2025)
-1 Director Seat(s) Representing the College of the Arts (Term for 2024-2025 School year–from June 1, 2024, through May 31, 2025)


Apply here

Commission Positions

Priority deadline is Friday, April 12 at 5:00pm


Community Engagement Commission
The Community Engagement Commission focuses on enhancing the university’s reputation within the community by broadcasting the positive contributions of students, clubs, and organizations, building positive working relationships with community leaders and residents by attending pertinent public and town hall meetings, and working closely with CSUF students, faculty members, clubs, and organizations on campus to promote their philanthropic and commendable contributions to the community.

Community Engagement Commission Application


Environmental Sustainability Commission
The Environmental Sustainability Commission shall be responsible for raising awareness of environmental and sustainability issues on campus, developing events and programs, advocating for the inclusion of sustainability best practices within the context of ASI’s operations and corporate responsibility, and serving as a liaison between interested student groups and ASI.

Environmental Sustainability Commission


Lobby Corp Commission
The Lobby Corps Commission is responsible for advocating on behalf of student interests on all levels of governance affecting higher education and other public policy issues, planning and implementing programs and events that educate about policy issues and engage students and the campus community in advocacy efforts and facilitating campaigns on issues of student interests and mobilize support of the CSUF student body, campus community, and beyond.

Lobby Corp Commission Application


Social Justice & Equity Commission
The Social Justice & Equity Commission supports social justice initiatives as well as historically marginalized communities to uplift them and work to remove institutional barriers through educational campaigns and advocacy. The commission is also responsible for educational campaigns and collaborative events that advance social justice and equity on campus.

Social Justice & Equity Commission Application


University Affairs Commission

The mission of the University Affairs Commission is to be proactive in identifying, addressing, advocating for, and resolving campus issues that impact our students. The commission will assess campus climate by gathering and addressing student feedback and concerns and bringing them forth to the ASI Board of Directors at least once per semester and whenever applicable. University Affairs shall be responsible for informing students of changes that impact their student experience including, but not limited to changes in ASI, the university and legislation at the city, state and federal level. Lastly, the commission should always serve as platform for Cal State Fullerton students to voice their concerns.

University Affairs Commission Application

Programming Positions

Election Team Positions

Priority deadline is Friday, April 12th at 5:00pm


Elections Team
The elections team is responsible for promoting ASI Elections and encouraging participation and promotional events for ASI Elections. The Elections Team shall encourage students to run prior to the Petition for Candidacy form due date, promote voter participation prior to and throughout the election, plan and execute ASI Elections events, and have thorough knowledge and understanding of election rules and procedures.

Elections Team Application

Governance Ambassadors

Priority deadline is Friday, April 12th at 5:00pm


Students and student voices are vital to the governance of the university. Serving as an ASI Governance Ambassador is a great way to ensure the student voice is heard in the decision-making process of the campus. Each ambassador will serve on one of three student-fee related committees and between 1 and 2 Academic Senate Standing Committees. Our ambassadors receive initial and ongoing training through their year in service and receive a student leadership financial award for their service. More information available in the application.

Governance Ambassador Application

Agendas & Minutes

Use the dropdown accordion menu below to select a committee. From there you can view and/or download a PDF of the agenda and/or minutes from specific meeting dates.


CSU, Fullerton students, and members of the public may submit comments regarding any item on the posted agenda, or matters of importance to the student body through the Public Comment Form. Comments will be reviewed by the Board Leadership, and submissions received prior to the meeting and that are applicable to the governing body will be read during the meeting.

Audit Committee

A&M - Audit Committee
September 17, 2024 Agenda
July 25, 2024 Agenda Minutes
September 12, 2023 Agenda Minutes
August 10, 2023 Agenda (Special) Minutes
April 25, 2023 Agenda (Special) Minutes
September 15, 2022 Agenda Minutes
August 2, 2022 Agenda (Special) Minutes
September 23, 2021 Agenda Minutes
July 20, 2021 Agenda Minutes
September 8, 2020 Agenda Minutes
July 22, 2020 Agenda Minutes

Board of Directors

A&M - Board of Directors
October 22, 2024 Agenda
October 8, 2024 Agenda
September 24, 2024 Agenda
September 10, 2024 Agenda
August 27, 2024 Agenda Minutes
June 3, 2024 Agenda (Special) Minutes
May 7, 2024 Agenda Minutes
April 23, 2024 Agenda Minutes
April 9, 2024 Agenda Minutes
March 19, 2024 Agenda Minutes
March 5, 2024 Agenda Minutes
February 20, 2024 Agenda Minutes
February 6, 2024 Agenda Minutes
January 23, 2024 Agenda Minutes
December 5, 2023 Agenda Minutes
November 14, 2023 Agenda Minutes
October 31, 2023 Agenda Minutes
October 17, 2023 Agenda Minutes
October 3, 2023 Agenda Minutes
September 19, 2023 Agenda Minutes
September 5, 2023 Agenda Minutes
August 22, 2023 Agenda Minutes
June 1, 2023 Agenda (Special) Minutes (Special)
May 2, 2023 Agenda  Minutes
April 18, 2023 Agenda  Minutes
April 4, 2023 Agenda  Minutes
March 21, 2023 Agenda  Minutes
March 7, 2023 Agenda  Minutes
February 21, 2023 Agenda  Minutes
February 7, 2023 Agenda  Minutes
January 24, 2023 Agenda  Minutes
December 06, 2022 Agenda (Canceled) 
November 29, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
November 15, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
November 1, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
October 18, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
October 4, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
September 20, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
September 6, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
August 23, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
June 1, 2022 Agenda (Special)  Minutes (Special)
May 3, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
May 3, 2022 Agenda (Special)  Minutes (Special)
April 19, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
April 5, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
March 22, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
March 8, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
February 22, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
February 8, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
January 25, 2022 Agenda  Minutes
December 07, 2021 Agenda  Minutes
November 16, 2021 Agenda  Minutes
November 02, 2021 Agenda  Minutes
October 19, 2021 Agenda  Minutes
October 5, 2021 Agenda  Minutes
September 21, 2021 Agenda  Minutes
September 7, 2021 Agenda  Minutes
August 24, 2021 Agenda  Minutes
June 1, 2021 Agenda Minutes
May 11, 2021 Agenda (Cancelled)
May 4, 2021 Agenda Minutes
April 20, 2021 Agenda Minutes
April 6, 2021 Agenda Minutes
March 23, 2021 Agenda Minutes
March 9, 2021 Agenda Minutes
March 2, 2021 Agenda (Special) Minutes (Special)
February 23, 2021 Agenda Minutes
February 9, 2021 Agenda Minutes
January 26, 2021 Agenda Minutes
December 1, 2020 Agenda Minutes
November 17, 2020 Agenda Minutes
November 3, 2020 Agenda Minutes
October 20, 2020 Agenda Minutes
October 6, 2020 Agenda Minutes
September 22, 2020 Agenda Minutes
September 8, 2020 Agenda Minutes
August 25, 2020 Agenda Minutes
July 17, 2020 Agenda (Special) Minutes (Special)
June 16, 2020 Agenda (Special) Minutes (Special)
June 2, 2020 Agenda (Special) Minutes (Special)
May 19, 2020 Agenda (Special) Minutes (Special)
April 28, 2020 Agenda Minutes
April 14, 2020 Agenda (Special) Minutes (Special)
April 7, 2020 Agenda Minutes
March 17, 2020 Agenda (Canceled)
March 10, 2020 Agenda Minutes
March 3, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 25, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 18, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 11, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 4, 2020 Agenda Minutes
January 28, 2020 Agenda Minutes
January 21, 2020 Agenda Minutes
December 10, 2019 Agenda Minutes
December 3, 2019 Agenda Minutes
November 19, 2019 Agenda Minutes
November 12, 2019 Agenda Minutes
November 5, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 29, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 22, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 15, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 8, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 1, 2019 Agenda Minutes
September 24, 2019 Agenda Minutes
September 17, 2019 Agenda Minutes
September 10, 2019 Agenda Minutes
September 3, 2019 Agenda Minutes
August 27, 2019 Agenda Minutes
July 31, 2019 Agenda (Special) Minutes (Special)

Children's Center Committee

A&M - Children's Center Committee
February 28, 2023 Agenda (Canceled)
November 8, 2022 Agenda (Special) Minutes (Special)
October 25, 2022 Agenda Minutes
September 13, 2022 Agenda Minutes
March 1, 2022 Agenda Minutes
February 1, 2022 Agenda (Canceled)
October 28, 2021 Agenda Minutes
September 30, 2021 Agenda Minutes
March 25, 2021 Agenda Minutes
October 27, 2020 Agenda Minutes
September 29, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 26, 2020 Agenda Minutes
October 16, 2019 Agenda

Finance Committee

A&M - Finance
October 24, 2024 Agenda
October 10, 2024 Agenda
September 26, 2024 Agenda
September 12, 2024 Agenda
August 29, 2024 Agenda Minutes
April 25, 2024 Agenda Minutes
April 11, 2024 Agenda Minutes
March 21, 2024 Agenda Minutes
March 7, 2024 Agenda Minutes
February 22, 2024 Agenda Minutes
February 8, 2024 Agenda Minutes
January 25, 2024 Agenda Minutes
November 16, 2023 Agenda Minutes
November 2, 2023 Agenda Minutes
October 19, 2023 Agenda Minutes
October 5, 2023 Agenda Minutes
September 21, 2023 Agenda Minutes
September 7, 2023 Agenda Minutes
August 24, 2023 Agenda Minutes
April 20, 2023 Agenda Minutes
April 6, 2023 Agenda Minutes
March 23, 2023 Agenda Minutes
March 9, 2023 Agenda Minutes
February 23, 2023 Agenda Minutes
February 9, 2023 Agenda Minutes
January 26, 2023 Agenda Minutes
December 1, 2022 Agenda (Special) Minutes (Special)
November 17, 2022 Agenda (Canceled)
November 3, 2022 Agenda Minutes
October 20, 2022 Agenda Minutes
October 6, 2022 Agenda Minutes
September 22, 2022 Agenda Minutes
September 8, 2022 Agenda (Canceled)
August 25, 2022 Agenda Minutes
April 21, 2022 Agenda Minutes
April 07, 2022 Agenda Minutes
March 24, 2022 Agenda (Canceled)
March 15, 2022 Agenda (Special) Minutes (Special)
March 10, 2022 Agenda Minutes
February 24, 2022 Agenda Minutes
February 10, 2022 Agenda Minutes
January 27, 2022 Agenda Minutes
December 9, 2021 Agenda (Canceled)
November 18, 2021 Agenda Minutes
November 04, 2021 Agenda Minutes
October 21, 2021 Agenda Minutes
October 7, 2021 Agenda Minutes
September 23, 2021 Agenda Minutes
September 9, 2021 Agenda Minutes
August 26, 2021 Agenda Minutes
April 22, 2021 Agenda (Canceled)
April 8, 2021 Agenda Minutes
March 25, 2021 Agenda (Canceled)
March 18, 2021 Agenda Minutes
March 11, 2021 Agenda Minutes
March 4, 2021 Agenda Minutes
February 25, 2021 Agenda Minutes
February 18, 2021 Agenda Minutes
February 11, 2021 Agenda Minutes
February 4, 2021 Agenda Minutes
January 28, 2021 Agenda Minutes
December 3, 2020 Agenda Minutes
November 19, 2020 Agenda (Canceled)
November 5, 2020 Agenda Minutes
October 22, 2020 Agenda Minutes
October 8, 2020 Agenda Minutes
September 24, 2020 Agenda Minutes
September 10, 2020 Agenda Minutes
August 27, 2020 Agenda Minutes
March 19, 2020 Agenda (Canceled)
March 12, 2020 Agenda Minutes
March 5, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 27, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 20, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 13, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 6, 2020 Agenda Minutes
January 30, 2020 Agenda Minutes
January 23, 2020 Agenda Minutes
December 5, 2019 Agenda Minutes
November 21, 2019 Agenda (Canceled)
November 7, 2019 Agenda Minutes
November 14, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 31, 2019 Agenda (Canceled)
October 24, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 17, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 10, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 3, 2019 Agenda Minutes
September 26, 2019 Agenda Minutes
September 19, 2019 Agenda Minutes
September 12, 2019 Agenda Minutes
September 5, 2019 Agenda (Canceled)
May 2, 2019 Agenda (Canceled)
August 29, 2019 Agenda Minutes

Governance Committee

A&M - Governance
October 24, 2024 Agenda
October 10, 2024 Agenda (Canceled)
September 26, 2024 Agenda
September 12, 2024 Agenda
August 29, 2024 Agenda Minutes
April 25, 2024 Agenda (Canceled)
April 11, 2024 Agenda Minutes
March 21, 2024 Agenda (Canceled)
March 7, 2024 Agenda (Canceled)
February 22, 2024 Agenda Minutes
February 8, 2024 Agenda Minutes
January 25, 2024 Agenda Minutes
November 16, 2023 Agenda Minutes
November 2, 2023 Agenda Minutes
October 19, 2023 Agenda Minutes
October 5, 2023 Agenda Minutes
September 21, 2023 Agenda Minutes
September 7, 2023 Agenda Minutes
August 24, 2023 Agenda Minutes
April 20, 2023 Agenda Minutes
April 6, 2023 Agenda Minutes
March 23, 2023 Agenda Minutes
March 9, 2023 Agenda (Canceled)
February 23, 2023 Agenda Minutes
February 9, 2023 Agenda Minutes
January 26, 2023 Agenda (Canceled)
November 17, 2022 Agenda (Canceled)
November 3, 2022 Agenda Minutes
October 20, 2022 Agenda Minutes
October 6, 2022 Agenda Minutes
September 22, 2022 Agenda Minutes
September 8, 2022 Agenda Minutes
August 25, 2022 Agenda Minutes
April 21, 2022 Agenda Minutes
April 07, 2022 Agenda Minutes
March 24, 2022 Agenda (Canceled)
March 10, 2022 Agenda Minutes
February 24, 2022 Agenda Minutes
February 10, 2022 Agenda Minutes
January 27, 2022 Agenda Minutes
December 9, 2021 Agenda (Canceled)
November 18, 2021 Agenda Minutes
November 4, 2021 Agenda Minutes
October 21, 2021 Agenda (Canceled)
October 7, 2021 Agenda Minutes
September 23, 2021 Agenda Minutes
September 9, 2021 Agenda Minutes
August 26, 2021 Agenda Minutes
April 22, 2021 Agenda Minutes
April 8, 2021 Agenda
March 25, 2021 Agenda (Canceled)
March 11, 2021 Agenda Minutes
February 25, 2021 Agenda Minutes
February 11, 2021 Agenda Minutes
January 28, 2021 Agenda (Canceled)
December 3, 2020 Agenda (Canceled)
November 19, 2020 Agenda Minutes
November 5, 2020 Agenda (Canceled)
October 22, 2020 Agenda Minutes
October 8, 2020 Agenda Minutes
September 24, 2020 Agenda (Canceled)
September 10, 2020 Agenda Minutes
August 27, 2020 Agenda Minutes
March 19, 2020 Agenda (Canceled)
March 12, 2020 Agenda (Canceled)
March 5, 2020 Agenda
February 27, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 20, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 13, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 6, 2020 Agenda Minutes
January 30, 2020 Agenda Minutes
January 23, 2020 Agenda Minutes
December 5, 2019 Agenda Minutes
November 21, 2019 Agenda Minutes
November 14, 2019 Agenda Minutes
November 7, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 31, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 24, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 17, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 10, 2019 Agenda Minutes
October 3, 2019 Agenda Minutes
September 26, 2019 Agenda Minutes
September 19, 2019 Agenda (Canceled)
September 12, 2019 Agenda Minutes
September 5, 2019 Agenda
August 29, 2019 Agenda Minutes

Facilities Committee

A&M - Facilities Committee
October 3, 2024 Agenda
September 5, 2024 Agenda
April 18, 2024 Agenda Minutes
March 14, 2024 Agenda Minutes
February 15, 2024 Agenda Minutes
November 30, 2023 Agenda Minutes
October 26, 2023 Agenda (Canceled)
September 28, 2023 Agenda Minutes
August 31, 2023 Agenda Minutes
April 13, 2023 Agenda (Canceled)
March 16, 2023 Agenda Minutes
February 16, 2023 Agenda (Canceled)
December 01, 2022 Agenda (Canceled)
November 10, 2022 Agenda Minutes
October 13, 2022 Agenda Minutes
September 15, 2022 Agenda Minutes
04/28/2022 Agenda Minutes
04/14/2022 Agenda Minutes
03/03/2022 Agenda (Canceled)
02/03/2022 Agenda Minutes
12/02/2021 Agenda Minutes
10/28/2021 Agenda Minutes
09/30/2021 Agenda Minutes
09/02/2021 Agenda Minutes

Programs Assessment Committee

A&M - Programs Assessment Committee
October 17, 2024 Agenda
September 19, 2024 Agenda
April 18, 2024 Agenda Minutes
March 28, 2024 Agenda Minutes
February 29, 2024 Agenda (Canceled)
November 09, 2023 Agenda Minutes
October 12, 2023 Agenda Minutes
September 14, 2023 Agenda Minutes
April 13, 2023 Agenda (Canceled)
March 16, 2023 Agenda Minutes
February 16, 2023 Agenda Minutes
December 1, 2022 Agenda (Canceled)
November 10, 2022 Agenda Minutes
October 13, 2022 Agenda Minutes
September 15, 2022 Agenda Minutes
04/28/2022 Agenda (Canceled)
03/17/2022 Agenda (Canceled)
02/17/2022 Agenda Minutes
12/02/2021 Agenda Minutes
10/14/2021 Agenda Minutes
9/16/2021 Agenda Minutes

Elections Judicial Council

A&M - Elections Judicial Council
March 8, 2024 Agenda (Canceled)
March 1, 2024 Agenda (Canceled)
February 23, 2024 Agenda (Canceled)
February 9, 2024 Agenda (Special) Minutes
March 3, 2023 Agenda (Canceled)
February 24, 2023 Agenda Minutes
March 11, 2022 Agenda Minutes
March 4, 2022 Agenda Minutes
February 25, 2022 Agenda Minutes
February 18, 2022 Agenda Minutes
March 12, 2021 Agenda (Canceled)
March 5, 2021 Agenda (Canceled)
February 26, 2021 Agenda Minutes
March 19, 2020 Agenda (Canceled)
March 12, 2020 Agenda (Canceled)
March 5, 2020 Agenda Minutes
February 27, 2020 Agenda (Special) Minutes (Special)

Policies, Bylaws, & Resolutions

ASI policies, bylaws, and resolutions for student government. The PDFs below require Adobe Reader Version 9.40 or greater. This is a free program available from the Adobe website. Follow the download directions on the Adobe website to get your copy.



ASI Bylaws
ASI Bylaws


ASI Resolutions
September 24, 2024 A Resolution to Approve SRC External Review
September 10, 2024 A Resolution to Appoint ESC Coordinator 24-25
August 27, 2024 A Resolution to Approve the Fall 2024 Board & Committee Meeting Schedule
June 3, 2024 A Resolution Appointing the Director for the College of the Arts 2024-25 - B Her
June 3, 2024 A Resolution Appointing the 2024-25 Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer - A Ramirez-Rivera
June 3, 2024 A Resolution Appointing the 2024-25 Chief Campus Relations Officer - H Syed
June 3, 2024 A Resolution Appointing the 2024-25 Governance Ambassadors - 06/03/2024
June 3, 2024 A Resolution Appointing the 2024-25 ASI Audit Committee
June 3, 2024 A Resolution Approving 2024-25 Financial Institutions and Signatories
June 3, 2024 A Resolution Approving City National Bank Authorized Signers 2024-25
June 3, 2024 A Resolution for ASI Post-Retirement Health Care & Life Insurance Trust Co-Trustees 24-25
May 7, 2024 A Resolution Approving the Purchase of Student Art for Display in the TSU
May 7, 2024 A Resolution Appointing the 2024-25 Chief Governmental Officer
May 7, 2024 A Resolution Approving ASI Network Refresh 2024
May 7, 2024 A Resolution Approving SCICC Line Item Transfer
April 23, 2024 A Resolution Advocating for Ceasefire and Humanitarian Aid in the Gaza Strip
April 23, 2024 A Resolution Supporting Undocumented Students at CSUF
April 23, 2024 A Resolution on the Athletics Accounting Agreement
April 23, 2024 A Resolution Amending Policy Concerning Procurement
April 23, 2024 A Resolution Amending Policy Concerning Student Leader Financial Awards
April 23, 2024 A Resolution Amending Policy Concerning Executive Senate
April 23, 2024 A Resolution Approving AICC Line Item Transfer
April 23, 2024 A Resolution Approving HSSICC Line Item Transfer
April 23, 2024 A Resolution Approving NSA Contingency Request
April 9, 2024 A Resolution Approving Panhellenic Council Contingency Request
March 19, 2024 A Resolution Approving 2024-25 ASI Budget
March 19, 2024 A Resolution Approving NSMICC Line Item Transfer
March 19, 2024 A Resolution Approving Amendments to ASI Bylaws and Related Policies
March 05, 2024 A Resolution Appointing Communications Commission Coordinators 2024
March 05, 2024 A Resolution Approving SWANA ICC Expenditure Over $5000
February 20, 2024 A Resolution Accepting 2023 IRS Form 990
February 20, 2024 A Resolution Approving 2024-25 Children's Center Fees
February 20, 2024 A Resolution Approving 2024-25 Student Recreation Center Fees
February 20, 2024 A Resolution Approving 2024-25 Titan Student Union Fees
April 23, 2024 A Resolution Amending ASI Policy Concerning Interaction with Minors
February 6, 2024 A Resolution Approving ASI Policy Concerning Escheatment
February 6, 2024 A Resolution Appointing Director of College of the Arts - A. Nguyen
February 6, 2024 A Resolution Appointing 2024 ASI Elections Coordinators
February 6, 2024 A Resolution Appointing 2024 ASI Elections Judicial Council Members
February 6, 2024 A Resolution Appointing 2024 Social Justice & Equity Commission Coordinators
February 6, 2024 A Resolution Contingency Request - FullerTones
February 6, 2024 A Resolution Approving Line Item Transfer - SCICC
December 5, 2023 A Resolution Approving the 24-25 Children's Center Hours of Operation
December 5, 2023 A Resolution Approving the 24-25 TSU Hours of Operation
December 5, 2023 A Resolution Approving the Spring 24 ASI Board and Committee Meeting Schedule
December 5, 2023 A Resolution Approving the Director for the College of Education - B Walkley
November 14, 2023 A Resolution Authorizing Continued Funding Application CDE
October 17, 2023 A Resolution to Appoint Hillary Thompson 2023-24 Governance Ambassador
October 17, 2023 A Resolution to Accept 2023 ASI Audited Financial Statements
October 17, 2023 A Resolution Amending Policy Concerning ASI Research Grants
October 3, 2023 A Resolution Appointing 2023-24 ASI Elections Director A. Mashael
August 22, 2023 A Resolution to Approve Fall 2023 Board and Committee Meeting Schedule
August 22, 2023 A Resolution to Appoint the 2023-24 CCRO
June 1, 2023 A Resolution Appointing Social Justice & Equity Commission Leaders 2023-24
June 1, 2023 A Resolution Approving Financial Institutions and Signatories
June 1, 2023 A Resolution Appointing Lobby Corps Leaders 2023-24
June 1, 2023 A Resolution Appointing 2023-24 Governance Ambassadors
June 1, 2023 A Resolution Appointing Community Engagement & Communications Commissions Leaders 2023-24
June 1, 2023 A Resolution ASI Post-Retirement Health Care & Life Insurance Employee Benefits Co-Trustees
June 1, 2023 A Resolution Approving City National Bank Authorized Signers 2023-24
June 1, 2023 A Resolution Appointing Audit Committee Members 2023-24
May 2, 2023 A Resolution Recognizing and Thanking President Framroze and First Lady Julie Virjee
May 2, 2023 A Resolution Approving Policy Concerning Flexible Work Arrangements
May 2, 2023 A Resolution Amending Policy Concerning Funding to Students and Student Orgs
May 2, 2023 A Resolution Appointing Student Reps to Student Health Advisory Committee
May 2, 2023 A Resolution Appointing Audit Firm 2022-23
May 2, 2023 A Resolution Amending Policies Concerning Executive Officers and Board of Directors Operations
May 2, 2023 A Resolution Appointing 2023-24 Governance Ambassadors
May 2, 2023 A Resolution Appointing 2023-24 Director for College of ECS
April 18, 2023 A Resolution in Support of ASI Student Wellness Initiative
April 18, 2023 A Resolution Appointing 2023-24 Governance Ambassadors
April 18, 2023 A Resolution Approving Line Item Transfer NSMICC $6000
April 4, 2023 A Resolution for Divestment in Support of Palestinian Students at CSUF
April 4, 2023 A Resolution Approving Policy Concerning Facility Operations
April 4, 2023 A Resolution Appointing 2023-24 CIDO
April 4, 2023 A Resolution Appointing 2023-24 CGO
April 4, 2023 A Resolution Appointing 2023-24 CCO
March 21, 2023 A Resolution Approving 2023-24 ASI Budget
March 7, 2023 A Resolution Approving ESports Program in the TSU
March 7, 2023 A Resolution Appointing Director for the College of NSM 2022-23
March 7, 2023 A Resolution Appointing 2022-23 CEC and COMM Commission Leaders
February 21, 2023 A Resolution Approving Changes to Policy Concerning Employee Conduct
February 7, 2023 A Resolution Appointing 2022-23 ASI Elections Judicial Council
February 7, 2023 A Resolution Appointing ASI Elections Coordinators 22-23
February 7, 2023 A Resolution Accepting 2022 ASI Form 990
February 7, 2023 A Resolution Appointing 2022-23 AICA Events Coordinator Peter Martin
February 7, 2023 A Resolution Appointing 2022-23 AICA Diversity Coordinator Neha Upadhyaya
January 24, 2023 A Resolution Appointing ASI Elections Director 2022-23
January 24, 2023 A Resolution Appointing ESC Leaders 2022-23
January 24, 2023 A Resolution Approving BSU Expenditure Over $5000
January 24, 2023 A Resolution Approving A Contingency Request - BICC $5000
January 24, 2023 A Resolution Approving A Contingency Request - BSU $5500
November 29, 2022 A Resolution Approving the Board and Committee Spring 2023 Meeting Schedule
November 15, 2022 A Resolution to Allocate Funds for 2023 Capital Requests
November 15, 2022 A Resolution Appointing the ASI Commission Leaders
November 15, 2022 A Resolution Approving the Children's Center Fees 23-24
November 1, 2022 A Resolution Approving the TSU Operating Hours 2023-24
November 1, 2022 A Resolution Approving the SRC Operating Hours 2023-24
October 18, 2022 A Resolution Amending Policy Concerning Board of Directors Operations
October 18, 2022 A Resolution Appointment of the Director for the College of Communications
October 18, 2022 A Resolution to Appoint the 2022-23 Governance Ambassadors
September 20, 2022 A Resolution Appointment of the Director for the College of Communications
October 4, 2022 A Resolution Appointment of the Director for the College of NSM
September 20, 2022 A Resolution Accepting 2022 ASI Audited Financial Statements
September 20, 2022 A Resolution to Appoint the 2022-23 Governance Ambassadors
September 20, 2022 A Resolution Declaring the Director for the College of Communications Position Vacant
September 06, 2022 A Resolution Appointment of the Community Engagement Commission Director & Social Justice & Equity Commission Coordinators
September 06, 2022 A Resolution to Appoint the Chief Campus Relations Officer
September 06, 2022 A Resolution to Appoint the 2022-23 Governance Ambassadors
August 23, 2022 A Resolution Approving the Fall 2022 ASI Board and Committee Meeting Schedule
June 01, 2022 A Resolution to Appoint the 2022-23 ASI Audit Committee
June 01, 2022 A Resolution to Approve Financial Institutions and Signatories
June 01, 2022 A Resolution for ASI Post-Retirement Health Care Co-Trustees 2022-23
June 01, 2022 A Resolution for Approval of City National Bank Authorized Signers
May 03, 2022 A Resolution in Support of SWANA/MENA Studies Minor at CSUF
May 03, 2022 A Resolution Approving A Wellness Program Proposal
May 03, 2022 A Resolution to Amend ASI Programming Model
May 03, 2022 A Resolution Amending Policy Concerning Student Leader Financial Awards
May 03, 2022 A Resolution Approving an Expenditure Request Over $5000 - ISA
March 22, 2022 A Resolution Approving the 2022-23 ASI Consolidated Budget
March 8, 2022 A Resolution in Support of the 2022-23 Children's Center Fees
March 8, 2022 A Resolution Approving a Line Item Transfer for SWANA
March 8, 2022 A Resolution in Support of the ECS Modernization & Expansion Project
February 22, 2022 A Resolution Appointing the Director for the College of Engineering and Computer Science
February 22, 2022 A Resolution Appointing the 2022 Camp Titan Co-Directors
December 7, 2021 A Resolution to Approve the Spring 2022 Board and Committee Meeting Schedule
December 7, 2021 A Resolution to Approve the ASI Expanded Staff Support and Engagement Pilot Program
December 7, 2021 A Resolution to Accept 2020 IRS Form 990
December 7, 2021 A Resolution A Resolution Approving the 2022-23 Operating Fees for the Titan Student Union
December 7, 2021 A Resolution A Resolution Approving the 2022-23 Operating Fees for the Student Recreation Center
December 7, 2021 A Resolution Appointing the Director for the College of Communications
November 16, 2021 A Resolution to Allocated Funds for 2022 Capital Improvements
November 2, 2021 A Resolution to Set the Children's Center Hours of Operation for 2022-23
November 2, 2021 A Resolution to Set the TSU and SRC Operating Hours for 2022-23
May 4, 2021 A Resolution Adopting ASI Anti-Racism Diversity Equity and Inclusion Plan
November 2, 2021 A Resolution Approving an Expenditure Over $5000 for BICC
November 2, 2021 A Resolution Approving an Expenditure Over $5000 for SWANA
October 19, 2021 A Resolution Appointing the Director for the College of Engineering and Computer Science
October 19, 2021 A Resolution Appointing the the 2021-22 ASI Elections Coordinators
September 21, 2021 A Resolution Approving Policy Concerning ASI Executive Senate
September 21, 2021 A Resolution Approving Policy Concerning Funding Provided to Students and Student Groups
June 1, 2021 A Resolution to Approve Financial Institutions and Signatories
June 1, 2021 A Resolution to Appoint the 2021-22 ASI Audit Committee
June 1, 2021 A Resolution for Post-Retirement Health Care and Life Insurance Employee Benefits
June 1, 2021 A Resolution for Approval of City National Bank Authorized Signers
May 4, 2021 A Resolution on the Divestment from University Police Toward the Investment in CSUF Campus Safety and Mental Health
May 4, 2021 A Resolution to Amend Policy Concerning Student Leader Financial Awards
April 20, 2021 A Resolution Amending Policies Related to the Restructure of the Committees of the Board of Directors
March 23, 2021 A Resolution in Support of Establishing Financial Assistance to International Students
March 9, 2021 A Resolution Reinstating Radhika Sharma as the Director Representing the College of ECS on the ASI Board of Directors
March 2, 2021 A Resolution to Restructure the Committees of ASI Board of Directors
February 23, 2021 A Resolution to Appoint the 2021 Elections Judicial Council
December 1, 2020 A Resolution Amending Policy Concerning Executive Senate
December 1, 2020 A Resolution in Support of the Philippine Human Rights Act
November 17, 2020 A Resolution to Amend Policy Concerning Funding to Students and Student Organizations
November 3, 2020 A Resolution to Approve 2021-22 Children's Center User Fees
November 3, 2020 A Resolution to Approve 2021-22 Children’s Center Hours of Operation
November 3, 2020 A Resolution Regarding the Fall 2020 Leadership Review of the Board of Directors Chair
November 3, 2020 A Resolution Regarding the Fall 2020 Leadership Review of the Board of Directors Vice Chair
November 3, 2020 A Resolution Regarding the Fall 2020 Leadership Review of the Board of Directors Treasurer-Secretary
November 3, 2020 A Resolution Authorizing Investment of Monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund
October 20, 2020 A Resolution to Elect 2020-2021 Board Leadership Review Committee
October 6, 2020 A Resolution to Amend Policy Concerning Reserves and Investments
September 20, 2020 A Resolution to Amend ASI Policy Concerning Procurement
September 20, 2020 A Resolution Additional Guidelines for Funding Provided to Students and Student Groups
August 25, 2020 A Resolution for Approval of City National Bank Accounts Authorized Signers
August 25, 2020 A Resolution to Approve Modified Student Government Meeting Schedules Fall 2020
July 17, 2020 A Resolution to Reinstate Dr Dave Edwards as ASI Executive Director
July 17, 2020 A Resolution to Approve Financial Institutions and Signatories (Updated)
July 17, 2020 A Resolution in Support of International Students
June 16, 2020 A Resolution to Approve Financial Institutions and Signatories
June 16, 2020 A Resolution to Appoint Audit Committee
June 16, 2020 A Resolution Temporarily Suspending Signature Process Due to COVID-19
June 16, 2020 A Resolution for ASI Post-Retirement Health Care - Co Trustees
May 19, 2020 A Resolution in Support of Expanding Financial Assistance to Undocumented Students
May 19, 2020 A Resolution Establishing Work Group on Student Governance
April 28, 2020 A Resolution In Support of the SWANA Community
March 10, 2020 A Resolution Approving Changes to ASI Bylaws Article IV Section 2
February 25, 2020 A Resolution to Amend Policy Concerning Composition and Duties of Commissions
February 18, 2020 A Resolution in Support of Proposition 13
February 11, 2020 A Resolution Establishing ASI Policy Concerning ASI Programming
January 28, 2020 A Resolution to Appoint the 2020 Elections Judicial Council
January 21, 2020 A Resolution to Allocate Funds for 2020 Capital Improvements
January 21, 2020 A Resolution Approving Striking ASI Policy Concerning NSF Checks and ASI Policy Concerning Sponsorship Recognition
January 21, 2020 A Resolution Approving Establishment of ASI Policy Concerning Corporate Budget
December 3, 2019 A Resolution Approving ASI 2020-2025 Strategic Plan
December 3, 2019 A Resolution Approving Changes to ASI Policy Concerning Elections
December 3, 2019 A Resolution Approving Changes to Policy Concerning Performance Management
November 12, 2019 A Resolution to Establish ASI Food Pantry
November 12, 2019 A Resolution Regarding the Fall 2019 Leadership Review of the Treasurer-Secretary of the Board of Directors
November 12, 2019 A Resolution Regarding the Fall 2019 Leadership Review of the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors
November 12, 2019 A Resolution Regarding the Fall 2019 Leadership Review of the Chair of the Board of Directors
November 7, 2019 A Resolution Approving Changes to ASI Policy Concerning Employee Conduct
November 7, 2019 A Resolution Approving Changes to ASI Policy Concerning Professional Employee Compensation
November 7, 2019 A Resolution Approving Changes to ASI Policy Concerning Student Employee Compensation
October 29, 2019 A Resolution for the Approval of the Childrens Center Hours of Operation
October 29, 2019 A Resolution for the Approval of the Children’s Center Fees
October 15, 2019 A Resolution for the Appointment of the Camp Titan 2020 Co-Directors
August 27, 2019 A Resolution to Approve Financial Institutions and Signatories (Updated)
July 31, 2019 A Resolution to Approve Keya Allen as ASI Executive Director
June 3, 2019 A Resolution to Approve Financial Institutions and Signatories
June 3, 2019 A Resolution to Appoint 2019-2020 ASI Audit Committee
June 3, 2019 A Resolution for ASI Post-Retirement Health Care and Life Insurance Employee Benefit Plan
May 7, 2019 A Resolution in Support of Inclusion and Accessibility for Students with Disabilities
May 7, 2019 A Resolution Approving the ASI Strategic Plan Working Group Focus Areas and Values
May 7, 2019 A Resolution to Accept Internal Revenue Service Form 990
May 7, 2019 A Resolution Establishing ASI Policy Concerning Funding Provided to Students and Student Organizations
May 7, 2019 A Resolution Approving Changes to ASI Policy Concerning BOD Operations
April 30, 2019 Resolution For Native American Recruitment Retention and Support
April 30, 2019 Resolution Approving Changes to ASI Policy Concerning Student Appointments
April 30, 2019 Resolution Approving Changes to ASI Policy Concerning Social Media
April 30, 2019 Resolution Approving Changes to ASI Policy Concerning Executive Senate
April 23, 2019 A Resolution Approving Establishing ASI Policy Concerning Procurement
April 9, 2019 Resolution Approving Changes to ASI Policy Concerning Employee Conduct
April 9, 2019 Resolution Amending and Reorganizing ASI Bylaws
March 26, 2019 Resolution to Establish a Scholarship for Formerly Incarcerated Students
March 26, 2019 Resolution to Approve 2019-2020 ASI Consolidated Budget
March 20, 2019 Resolution to Establish a Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer
March 5, 2019 Resolution Approving the Process of the ASI Strategic Plan
March 5, 2019 Resolution Regarding the Spring 2019 Elections Judicial Council Membership
February 5, 2019 Resolution for Post-Retirement Health & Life Insurance
December 11, 2018 Resolution Approving Changes to ASI Bylaws Article VII Through XIV
December 5, 2018 Resolution Approving Changes to ASI Policy Concerning BOD Operations
December 4, 2018 Resolution for Approval of the Children’s Center Hours of Operation
December 4, 2018 Resolution to Allocate Funds for 2019 Capital Improvements
November 27, 2018 Resolution Approving Changes to the ASI Bylaws Article IV
October 10, 2018 Resolution Amending and Restating Articles of Incorporation of ASI CSUF
October 2, 2018 Resolution to Participate in the CSURMA Auxiliary Organization Risk Management Alliance Benefits Program
May 8, 2018 In Support of Tuffy's Basic Needs Center
May 8, 2018 Standing in Solidarity with the Victims of Gun Violence, and Condemning Gun Violence in America
May 8, 2018 Approving ASI Policy Concerning Reserves and Investments
May 8, 2018 Supporting CSUF Project Rebound
May 8, 2018 Approving ASI Policy Concerning Student Leader Travel
May 8, 2018 Approving ASI Policy Concerning Student Leader Financial Awards
May 8, 2018 Approving ASI Policy Concerning Fundraising
May 8, 2018 Utilize Consent Calendar at ASI Board of Directors Meetings
May 8, 2018 Approving ASI Policy Concerning Asset Management
May 8, 2018 Appoint 2018-2019 Audit Firm
May 1, 2018 Support of Civil Disobedience and Social Action at California State University, Fullerton
May 1, 2018 Recognizing CSUF Student and Team Athletic and Philanthropic Accomplishments in 2017-2018
March 20, 2018 To Approve 2018-2019 ASI Consolidated Budget
February 13, 2018 In Opposition to the California State University Potential Tuition Increase for the 2018-2019 Academic Year
November 29, 2017 The Appointment of the Camp Titan 2018 Co-Directors
November 29, 2017 Allocate Funds for 2018 Capital Improvements
November 29, 2017 Recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day
November 29, 2017 Recognizing and Thanking President Mildred Garcia
November 7, 2017 The Fall 2017 Leadership Review of The Vice Chair/Treasurer of The Board of Directors
November 7, 2017 The Fall 2017 Leadership Review of The Vice Chair/Secretary of The Board of Directors
November 7, 2017 The Fall 2017 Leadership Review of The Chair of the Board of Directors
November 6, 2017 Denouncing Hate Speech and Supporting Diversity at California State University, Fullerton
May 9, 2017 In Support of Undocumented and DACA Students
May 9, 2017 Expand Mental Health Resources for Students on Campus
May 9, 2017 To Conclude the 2013-2018 ASI Strategic Plan
February 7, 2017 Student Leadership Award for Elected Student-at-Large Members of the Titan Student Centers Board of Trustees
February 7, 2017 In Support of Food and Housing Security Emergency Fund
December 6, 2016 Children's Center Operating Hours
November 8, 2016 Children's Center Student & Non-Student Family Fee Rates
November 8, 2016 In Opposition to the CSU Potential Tuition Increase
September 6, 2016 The Appointment of the Camp Titan 2017 Co-Directors
May 10, 2016 In Support of the Food Insecurities and Homelessness Task Force at California State University, Fullerton
May 10, 2016 In Support of Black Student Success at California State University, Fullerton
May 3, 2016 Establishing a Student Leadership Award Model for ASI Student Leaders
April 21, 2016 Student Leadership Award Model for the Funded Councils of the ASI Executive Senate
April 21, 2016 Student Leadership Award Model for the Funding Councils of the ASI Executive Senate
April 21, 2016 Establishing the Black Student Union & Mesa Cooperativa as Funding Councils within the ASI Executive Senate
March 22, 2016 Clarifying & Enhancing the Powers of the ASI Board of Directors & ASI Executive Officers
March 8, 2016 Honoring the Service and Dedication of Dean Anil K. Puri of Mihaylo College of Business and Economics
March 1, 2016 In Support of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning Student Life at California State University, Fullerton
November 10, 2015 Encouraging California State University, Fullerton and Educators to Consider Exploring Affordable Learning Alternatives
September 1, 2015 Resolution to Appoint Camp Titan 2016 Co-Directors
February 14, 2012 Smoking Resolution
January 31, 2012 A Resolution Honoring the 21 Years of Service and Commitment of President Milton A. Gordon
December 6, 2011 Resolution in Support of Assembly Bill 970: Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act
November 12, 2011 Resolution in Response to the Statewide Student Demonstrations
October 4, 2011 A Resolution in Support of Increasing Student Representation on the Advisory Committee to the Advisory Committee to the Trustees Committee for the Selection of the President
September 12, 2011 A Resolution Opposing the Proposed Policy Change to the CSU Board of Trustees' Presidential Selection Process
October 2, 2001 A Resolution Commemorating the Tenth Anniversary of the September 11th Attacks


See the 2024 ASI Student Elections results here.

Elections Schedule

Election schedule:


Candidates File: January 2, 8am – February 14, 5pm
Application period and information sessions will be available so students can ask questions about the position they want to run for.


Campaign Period: February 16, 11am – March 13, 8pm
There will be candidate forums to help the student body get to know their candidates. A formal list of candidates will be made available on the ASI website.


Election Days: March 12, 8am – March 13, 8pm
Vote for your candidates.


Elections Results: March 14
Election results to be tentatively announced.

What Student Leaders Gain

ASI is an organization for the students by the students. Student leaders work on various projects and initiatives, which can be great learning experiences. And because the time commitment can add up, most positions have a stipend.


What student leaders gain:

  • Financial Leadership Award.
  • Exercise leadership with various campus communities and help represent fellow students.
  • Valuable experiences that inform future endeavors after graduation.

How to Run for a Position

Filing for Candidacy for the 2024 ASI Elections is open through February 14 at 5pm. If you are interested in running, please fill out the ASI Elections Candidacy Form


Elected leaders may receive a Student Leadership Scholarship of up to $19,336 to help cover education expenses, priority registration, and faculty/staff parking privilege.


Candidates may run as:


A President & Vice President Team

Teams MUST have a President and Vice President. No candidate for president or vice president will be allowed to run as only one or the other without a teammate.


An Independent Board of Directors Candidate

Independent candidates run for the office they desire on their own as an individual.

Student Government Position Descriptions and Qualifications

Elected leaders may receive a Student Leadership Scholarship of up to $19,336 to help cover education expenses, priority registration, and faculty/staff parking privilege.


President – Must run for office with a Vice President

The ASI President is the Chief Executive Officer for ASI Student Government and is responsible for carrying out directives of the ASI Board of Directors and overseeing all efforts of the Executive Officers. The President is the voice for CSUF students in working with CSUF administration. The President also works on special projects and initiatives developed with the Vice President.


Qualifications:Must currently have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 and have earned a semester GPA of 2.0 during the semester immediately prior to application; successful applicant must maintain these standards throughout term.Must be enrolled in each regular semester (Fall and Spring) with at least 6 units for undergraduate students or 3 units for graduate students.Must meet residency requirements as stated in the bylaws.


Vice President – Must run for office with a President

The ASI Vice President fulfills any duties of the President, in the Presidents absence, and is responsible for working with ASI programs and funded/funding councils. The Vice President helps to support and build connection between these areas by running the Executive Senate. The Vice President also works on special project and initiatives developed with the President.


Qualifications:Must currently have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 and have earned a semester GPA of 2.0 during the semester immediately prior to application; successful applicant must maintain these standards throughout term.Must be enrolled in each regular semester (Fall and Spring) with at least 6 units for undergraduate students or 3 units for graduate students.Must meet residency requirements as stated in the bylaws.


Board of Directors – 16 seats available

Members of the ASI Board of Directors are elected from and represent their academic college. As Board Members, they maintain communication with their college constituencies, their colleges Inter-Club Council and Assistant Dean, and with other student groups. Board Members are assigned to serve on or as liaison to various committees, councils, and campus organizations. Board Members hear student concerns and bring those voice to the ASI Board of Directors during its weekly meetings.


Qualifications:Must currently have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 and have earned a semester GPA of 2.0 during the semester immediately prior to application; successful applicant must maintain these standards throughout term.Must be enrolled in each regular semester (Fall and Spring) with at least 6 units for undergraduate students or 3 units for graduate students.Must meet residency requirements as stated in the bylaws.Applicant must have a major or minor within the college they are applying for or meet the general and/or specific qualifications as stated in the bylaws.

Electronic Election Packets and Forms

Contact the Elections Team

DJ Giacchino portrait
DJ Giacchino
Elections Director
Silhouette Pro Staff
Elections Coordinator
Silhouette Pro Staff
Elections Coordinator

Elections Contacts

For additional information and questions, email

Budget & Financial Statements

The Associated Students Inc. provides funding for the administration and programs operated by the corporation, a variety of college clubs, and cultural groups. From there you can view and/or download a PDF of the agenda and/or minutes from specific meeting dates.

ASI Executive Senate

The purpose of the Executive Senate is to provide a line of communication between ASI and the Funded/Funding Councils. Executive Senate trains leaders on ASI financial policies, procedures, and leadership. This is to ensure ASI is kept informed about the opinions of other student leaders regarding issues, finances, and activities of the Funded/Funding Councils. Executive Senate should be a resource for the Funded/Funding Councils, assisting them in their activities, and a means to encourage cooperation and collaboration among the Funded/Funding Councils.


ASI Executive Senate is managed by the ASI Student Government Office.
Please connect with Ingrid Mata, Student Government Coordinator at if there are questions regarding funding.

Allocation Information

If you are requesting funding for an event/program or travel, please complete the respective request form and attach it in the allocation request form.


Executive Senate Program Funding Request 

Executive Senate Travel Funding Request 



Utilize this form to request funding from your respective funding council. Please note that councils require that member organizations be recognized before requesting funding. Please make sure to connect with your council leadership team prior to submitting your request if there are any questions.


Allocation Request Form

Agendas & Minutes

Utilize this form to submit the agendas and minutes from the funding and funded council minutes. Please remember to save your documents in PDF format.


ASI Executive Senate Agenda & Minutes Submission Form

Forms & Resources

ASI Executive Senate Reimbursement & Payment Request Form

ASI Travel Waiver Packet

Executive Senate Meetings

Upcoming Meetings for the 2024-2025 Academic Year are listed below. All meetings take place on Wednesdays from 2:30-3:30 PM in the ASI Board Room on the Upper Level of the Titan Student Union.

October 16, 2024
November 13, 2024
February 12, 2025
March 12, 2025
April 16, 2025

Contact ASI Student Government

Do you have a question about class availability, financial aid, or want to get more involved in order to get the most out of your CSUF experience? Your ASI student leaders can help with these topics and more. Feel free to give us a call, send us a direct email using any of the email addresses listed below our photos, or send a general inquiry to the email address below.

800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92831

(657) 278-3295