I, Sarah Komiya, am a first-year BA Studio Arts major. Born and raised in LA, I have
come to CSUF with multiple artistic projects in her experience and ambition. I am
excited to bring new artistic projects to the CSUF campus to elevate the student
through ASI.
As a member of the Board of Directors; College of the Arts, I will champion
students’ rights to live, learn, and work safely and comfortably at CSUF. I know that
initiatives like the accessibility of studio rooms, availability of community art tools,
the capping of ASI fees, and the restructuring of classes to increase art club event
participation are necessary to ensure the freedoms of students across our campus.
As a new U.S Presidential administration takes power, I will fight to protect the
rights of our most vulnerable student populations, including undocumented
students and those who require reproductive care.
Being a first year student, I am excited to bring fresh, innovative ideas to the table
with my love for the arts and passion for instituting positive change on our campus.
I aim to be a strong advocate for Art Majors within ASI, fighting to lower fees across
campus and deliver exciting artistic, academic, and financial opportunities to our
department. For a better ASI, a better CSUF, and a better future for all.
It’s time to bring real change to ASI. Vote for Sarah Komiya and the CHANGE ASI!