Hi! My name is Luisa, and I am a first-generation Mexican American student majoring in Public Health and minoring in Aging Studies. As part of the MSTEM Star Scholars program, I work as a research assistant on campus at the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Center. Additionally, this semester, I am a resident advisor at the Housing & Residential Engagement department, developing a respectful and inclusive environment on campus and acting as a resource for my fellow peers. Due to my passion for HHD, I have actively participated in CSUF’s various communities. For example, through the Professions Advancing and Transforming Health (PATH) Academy, I had the opportunity to participate in their Summer Interns program in partnership with the Orange County Health Care Agency. As well as being a mentor in their Health Education Pathways Program, which focuses on cultivating knowledge of different health professions, developing soft skills necessary to work in professional settings, and sharing that knowledge through mentorship. Continuing my passion for health education, service, and research, I partake as an active member and the Secretary of Eta Sigma Gamma. Outside of my academic endeavors, I love reading, playing video games, and going to concerts, camping, and amusement parks.
If elected, I would, first and foremost, advocate and promote student wellness in all aspects of their CSUF careers — inside and outside of the classroom. I believe that it is essential for students to thrive not only academically but also in other aspects of their lives. To do so, creating a safe, inclusive, and opportunistic environment is a must. Therefore, increasing student and community engagement within the College of Health and Human Development and other colleges on campus through collaboration will be one of the first goals I hope to work on. Within the College of Health and Human Development, I wish to shine a light on all of the wonderful clubs, organizations, scholarships, and programs that are available resources for the growth of my fellow peers in their professional and leadership goals. Additionally, I promise to evaluate student resources, receive feedback, and advocate for all students to change the College of Health & Human Development for the better and Cal State Fullerton as a united campus.
With your vote, my call to action, together we create change!