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2020-2025 Strategic Plan


The 2020-2025 ASI Strategic Plan was developed collaboratively by ASI student leaders, student employees, and staff. Our Strategic Plan presents a thorough and ambitious road map to enhance the Titan Community by serving, empowering, and engaging the California State University, Fullerton student body. This plan is wholly in support of the campus educational mission, reaffirms our far-reaching impact as an organization, and celebrates the Titan Community. ASI commits to the vision statement, values, and goals set in this strategic plan.


Vision Statement

ASI strives to improve, diversify, and expand our leadership and professional development opportunities, programs, and services to enhance student life and the Titan Experience.


Servant Leadership

ASI cultivates a culture based on transformational student development and a focus on the growth and well-being of all California State University, Fullerton students.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

ASI is committed to cultivating rich diversity and increasing culturally proficient and equity-minded students and staff by identifying barriers that inhibit student success and supporting efforts to remove them.

Build and Develop Student Leaders and Employees

ASI recognizes the value of investing in the development of its student leaders and employees and provides opportunities that facilitate and enhance this professional growth.

Embrace and Pursue Innovation

ASI recognizes the value of positive change and continually examines opportunities to implement innovative strategies and resources.

Goal 1

Enhance Student Leader and Student Employee Development and Success


  • Refine and enhance models that continually expand cultural competencies in ASI programs and services.
  • Develop and implement a model of comprehensive personal and professional development for student leaders and student employees.
  • Develop an intentional and targeted recruitment strategy to ensure diverse student population involved in ASI.
  • Implement and support models that enhance student leader’s academic success.


  • Examine and assess current cultural competency practices and knowledge.
  • Empower students with tools for advocacy to voice their concerns.
  • Continue to refine programs that promote civic and democratic engagement, global learning, and social responsibility.
  • Develop and implement a mental health resources campaign in collaboration with campus partners.
  • Increase professional development opportunities for students.
  • Promote leadership opportunities to clubs and organizations through student involvement and engagement.
  • Administer academic assessments for student leaders twice per semester.
  • Develop and implement cross-campus collaborations with academic support centers for student leaders and student employees.

Progress Towards Goal

  • Significant redesign of the Student Government annual training and onboarding program.
  • The Student Government Coordinator and Academic Success Coordinator positions have been hired in Student Government.
  • Significant improvements and expansion of the professional staff development program have been proposed for Spring 2022.
  • Training is in development on supporting student activists.
  • Revisiting the student employee development conference for Fall 2022.
  • The ASI Executive Director participated in NASPA sponsored student activism and restorative justice training over the summer of 2021.
  • Transformative justice will be included in the 2022-2023 professional staff development program.

Goal 2

Advance Organizational Excellence


  • Develop and implement a model that utilizes assessments and data-based evidence to implement organizational improvements.
  • Create and maintain sound corporate practices that lead to long-term financial stability.
  • Continue to improve transition and on-boarding models.
  • Assess, adjust, and enhance the effectiveness of current internal communication to improve cohesion within the organization.
  • Advance to current campus technology systems and tools and remain current with evolving technology demands.


  • Identify organizational areas for intentional growth and develop a plan to achieve improvement in these areas.
  • Create and implement department specific employee exit surveys in an effort to identify current strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • Identify and provide professional development opportunities.
  • Establish and implement benchmarks to increase program and services outcomes.
  • Assess the effectiveness and impact of ASI programs based on data-driven and participant feedback.
  • Assess current internal communication channels to determine reach and effectiveness.
  • Research and implement a follower-based communication platform to increase organizational communication and buy-in.
  • Explore and implement organizational and educational technology.

Progress Towards Goal

  • Conducted an organization-wide internal customer service assessment designed to improve overall internal customer satisfaction.
  • Corporate Administration areas assessed the survey responses, identified areas to improve, and reported progress at the November 2021 All Staff meeting.
  • This survey will be repeated in the Fourth Quarter of 2022-2023 and use results to determine next year’s focus areas.
  • Established organization-wide expectation that all staff respond to phone calls, emails, texts, and Teams messages within 24 hours.
  • The Pantry opened to student clients on the August 23rd, 2021.
  • The Titan Student Union (TSU) improved digital services with the addition of new signage, iPads, video screens, and updated software.
  • Successfully completed the 2020-2021 financial audit.
  • Reorganized the Financial Services/Accounting department, including hiring two new accountants.
  • A number ongoing trainings on audit corrective actions have been taking place since Spring 2020. Several other trainings scheduled for Spring 2022 and beyond.
  • Identified a new information management system for the Children’s Center that will allow online payments, improved communication with parents, and improved tracking for grant compliance.
  • Hired an Internal Auditor, a first for ASI at CSUF.
  • Created a new Assessment and Effectiveness Unit in June 2021 to establish a new ASI assessment philosophy focused on data-driven decision making.
  • Developed a (5 year) cyclical assessment for all departments within ASI.

Goal 3

Strengthening Community


  • Strengthen ASI student leader and employee relationships.
  • Enhance and provide opportunities for interactions, collaborations, and sharing information with the Titan community.
  • Contribute to the model of the Titan Experience by refining ASI programs and services to increase student participation.
  • Increase opportunities to support students through advocacy and partnerships.
  • Develop campus partnerships to enhance ASI programs and services.
  • Develop meaningful collaborations within the surrounding Fullerton area.


  • Develop and implement a student employee recognition program.
  • Refine and improve the professional employee recognition program.
  • Create and implement opportunities for student leaders and student employees to engage in discussions.
  • Create and implement professional development events for student leaders and professional employees to unite, network, and identify opportunities for collaboration.
  • Research and implement a shared calendar with events happening within ASI.
  • More effectively leverage technology and creative solutions to share pertinent and timely information and explore interpersonal communications.
  • Strategically identify opportunities for cross campus collaboration.
  • Continue to develop and enhance opportunities for campus and surrounding Fullerton area collaborations.

Progress Towards Goal

  • The ASI Antiracism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan was implemented at the beginning of Fall 2021.
  • The DEI Committee has begun meeting, offering training, and assessing institutional DEI improvements within ASI.
  • The digital marketing signs installed with collaboration with campus partners allow the latest ASI information to be shared to visitors in the TSU and SRC.
  • Implementing the ASI Expanded Staff Support and Engagement Pilot Plan which includes a modified work schedule option and other means to address staff morale.
  • Created a new DEI speaker series with the Division of Student Affairs and ASI.
  • CSUF Basic Needs provided training for the ASI Pantry staff to learn about treating food insecure students with dignity and respect.
  • Partnered with campus IT on their Movies on the Lawn.
  • Established partnerships with 2nd Harvest Food Bank, the OC Food Bank and Kroger/Ralphs to create, maintain, and sustain The Pantry.