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All students are welcome- jump into ASI events and programs!


All students, regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity, national origin, or any other protected status, who are interested in learning more about Associated Students Inc. are welcome.

For additional information regarding specific services, please inquire within the department.

The ASI Accounting office provides fiscal management and oversight of ASI’s financial records as well as providing assistance to numerous ASI funded student organizations.

For more information call (657) 278-2404.

Current Budget

Financial Statements

Tax Returns


Cash Fundraising & Online Sales Setup Form

Cash Fundraising & Online Sales Setup Form:

The TitanLink form, Cash Fundraising & Online Sales Setup Form, is for student clubs to report deposits of cash collected through fundraising and online sales for membership dues and merchandise sales. To request the CSUF’s tax ID or W-9 or to setup donation by check or online, complete the Donation/Tax ID/W-9 form in TitanLink.



  1. Go to the following page:
  2. Log into your TitanLink account.
  3. Under the Forms tab, locate the Clubs & Orgs: Cash Fundraising & Online Sales Setup Form.
  4. The form will give an option to report a deposit of cash collected through fundraising or to request an online sales form.
  5. Once the form has been submitted, the Student Life & Leadership department will review your submission. If approved, the ASI Financial Services/Accounting office will work on setting up the form.


If you have any questions about the TitanLink forms, please contact Student Life & Leadership at If you have questions about the status of the submitted form, please contact ASI at

Student Organization Agency Accounts

Camp Titan

Camp Titan is a summer camp program operated by the Associated Students, Inc. of Cal State Fullerton. The camp is a one week long residential program provided at no cost to children from disadvantaged and/or low income backgrounds from the Orange County and surrounding area. Camp Titan is staffed by Cal State Fullerton students that volunteer their time to complete training and serve as counselors for the week of camp. The program is also staffed and overseen by professional staff administrators from the Associated Students, Inc. at Cal State Fullerton.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Camper Application & Family Letter

Counselor Application

Program Staff Application

ASI Food Pantry

Addressing food insecurity among college students has been a CSU system-wide effort for a number of years. The Pantry is a new and permanent program to the CSUF campus that serves to distribute foods and support students facing food insecurity. The Pantry’s inventory rotates between various food items; typically offering a variety of non-perishable foods, canned goods, and fresh produce.


Along with The Pantry’s services, the program works with Tuffy’s Basic Needs to provide additional resources for support around other various areas of basic needs insecurity and related issues.


There are no requirements or qualifications for students to use this service and scheduling an appointment is quick and easy!


NOTE: The Pantry will no longer be accepting CWIDs for enrollment verification. Starting 3/4/2024, we will be scanning physical or virtual TitanCards at check-in.


If there are any questions, please email, or call (657) 278-8756.

Things to Know Before Visiting

Interested in visiting The Pantry? Please read all the following information prior to visiting.


  • CSUF students can visit The ASI Food Pantry up to once a week.
  • Appointments are required to visit The Pantry. Please visit the tab titled “Sign Up for Food Pantry Services” to make an appointment.
  • Select an appointment day and time that works best in your schedule.
  • Please arrive within your designated appointment time window. Visitors arriving more than 15 minutes after the end of their appointment time window will be asked to reschedule.
  • If you are unable to make your appointment within the designated time window, please reschedule.
  • To ensure all visitors experience a consistent and confidential environment, only the appointment holder is permitted to shop during their appointment time. Others are welcome to wait outside The Pantry until the appointment is completed (exception for minors accompanying visitor and individuals requiring assistance due to disability).
  • Item limits, including duplicate items, shall be in place in The Pantry to ensure all visitors receive our services equally.
  • We greatly encourage all visitors to bring a reusable grocery bag to their appointment to allow other appointments to be complete on schedule.


Eligibility to use The Pantry 

Any enrolled CSUF student can visit The Pantry, regardless of financial status, class level, residency, or enrolled unit amount.


Interpreting Date Labels

We encourage all visitors to review the attached resources regarding the appropriate interpretation of date label terms such as “sell by”, “use by”, and “best if used before” prior to visiting The Pantry.

Interpreting Date Labels Guide

USDA FoodKeeper Resource

Sign Up for Food Pantry Services

Appointments are currently required to visit The Pantry.


To make an appointment for The Pantry, please create an account through our online system, PantrySoft. Below are instructions on how to move through the registration. Once you are registered, you will then be able to make up to one appointment per week to visit The Pantry.



The registration questions helps us make important decisions regarding our service including our food supply options and how to best serve our visitors.


Reschedule Appointment 
Can’t make your appointment? Review steps on how to reschedule your Pantry appointment.


Walk-ins are now being accepted on Fridays from 10AM-4:30PM. If you want to walk-in, please check-in with the Food Pantry front desk staff and check-in. Once you check-in, you will receive a text message to report back to the pantry. Friendly reminder, you will have 15 minutes to report back to the pantry or your position in line will be given to the next person in line.


Reset Password
Can’t log-in to your PantrySoft account? Review steps on how to reset your password.

Location and Hours of Operation

The Pantry is located in TSU 129 on the west side of the main level of the Titan Student Union, next to the Center Gallery.

Spring 2025 Hours

Monday: 1 PM-7 PM
Tuesday: 11 AM- 7 PM
Wednesday: 11 AM- 7 PM
Thursday: 11 AM- 7 PM
Friday: 10AM- 5PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Spring Break Hours (3/28/25-4/4/25) 

Monday, March 31: Closed for Cesar Chavez Day
Tuesday-Thursday: 10 AM-3:30 PM
Friday: noon-3:00 PM

Note: Some hours are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances and Food Pantry training. Thank you!

Donations to the ASI Food Pantry

Individual donations to the The Pantry are greatly appreciated. Please view our donation procedure and wishlist sheet for further information.


Pantry Donation Information and Wishlist


To make a donation online, please visit the website below.


Donate to The Pantry


If you prefer to mail in a check, below is our campus gift form with the program name already filled in. The form includes the mailing address. Additionally, campus members can sign up for payroll deduction using the form below.


CSUF Gift Form – AS Food Pantry


Payroll Deduction Form

Inquiries About The Pantry

We greatly appreciate inquires about The Pantry and our efforts to promote food security at CSUF. To maintain a confidential space for our visitors, all pantry tours, photography and press efforts must be scheduled ahead of time.


For tour-related inquiries, please contact Christina Truong at

For press-related inquiries, please contact the ASI Director of Organizational Communications & Outreach, Christina Cardenas, at


Additional Food Assistance Resources

Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the ASI Food Pantry. At this time, we are unable to accept volunteers. Please explore these additional locations for great volunteer opportunities that help promote food security in our community:


Orange County Food Bank


Bracken’s Kitchen


Second Harvest Food Bank


Meals on Wheels Orange County


Los Angeles Regional Food Bank 


Caterina’s Club


Latino Health Access 


Move More, Eat Healthy 


Orange County Health Care Agency 


South County Outreach


All walk-ins are subject to wait time based on availability of a first come first served basis.

Legal Help & Referrals

Sometimes students face situations where they feel they need professional legal advice. These situations could include matters related to various areas of law such as family, juvenile, guardianship, criminal, civil appellate, civil litigation, insurance, personal injury, labor, medical, probate, real estate, business, collections, bankruptcy, landlord/tenant, immigration, social security and employment, among others.

If you find yourself needing advice, please visit the California State Bar Association website to explore resources available.

Human Resources

The Human Resources department is responsible for the centralized hiring for all Associated Students, CSUF, Inc. employees. If you are interested in employment with ASI or want to learn more about the processes and benefits associated with your current ASI position, then the Human Resources department is the place to visit. Current ASI position openings can be found in the Employment Opportunities section in the About tab.

For more contact (657) 278-7068 or visit TSU-233.

Equal Opportunity Employment Statement

The Associated Students, CSUF, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, protected veteran or disabled status, or genetic information.

Student Employee Eligibility

The following are requirements to be eligible for student employment:

  • Current student at CSUF and is enrolled/registered (fees paid) in a current regular semester as a new or continuing student.
  • Student who has completed the prior semester (has not graduated), or who is registered for the subsequent semester.
  • In good academic standing (not on academic probation, continued probation, academic dismissal).

Student employment is less formal and more temporary in nature than professional staff employment. A student’s employment may end at any time for the following reasons: unsatisfactory evaluation, serious Misconduct, failure to report to work without prior notice, position abolishment, voluntary resignation, budget limitations, workload shifts, and breaching confidentiality contract. All student employment is reevaluated at the beginning of each semester.

CSUF Career Center

Power up your resume with VMOCK on the CSUF Career Center page .

HR Forms



Information & Services

The Information & Services is the go-to hub for campus assistance and more. Our knowledgeable staff is here to help navigate the university, locate classrooms and offices, and stay updated on sporting and special events. With access to telephone directories and the internet, they provide quick referrals and answers to all your questions.

Discount Tickets

Don’t miss out on our popular Discount Ticket program! Throughout the year, you can purchase tickets to local amusement parks and various activities at significantly reduced prices—ranging from 10% to 50% off regular admission. For more details or to buy tickets, call us at (657) 278-2468.

Amusement Attractions

Aquarium of the Pacific

Universal Studios (Discounted Prices):

  • 2-Day Tickets: $99 – $144
  • 1-Day Ticket $99 – $144
  • California Neighbor Pass: $169
  • Silver Annual Pass $209
  • 1-Day Express Ticket: $205 – $305
  • Halloween Horror Nights: $67-$99


Copy and paste the URL to your web browser USHTIX.COM/CSUF

Newport Beach Film Festival 2024
October 17 to October 24
Students receive a $5 discount | Get Tickets

Angels Baseball Tickets

Attention Angel Fans! Tickets starting at Just $8, Club & Field Level Seats, Up to 50% Off! Choose from 13 Games Including: Saturday Night Fireworks, Giveaways, & More!


Visit the Fevo website for more information.

Art Gallery & Exhibit

Discover the vibrant world of student creativity at the Titan Student Union’s Art Gallery & Exhibit Program. We manage two dynamic gallery spaces –the Center Gallery and the Atrium Gallery—providing students with opportunities to showcase their artwork. Our program also features two annual art shows, where students from different majors can submit their pieces for a chance to win recognition and prizes.


In addition, we proudly maintain a permanent art collection, featuring over 100 pieces displayed throughout the building. This collection celebrates student artists and their contributions over the years, enriching our campus environment with unique and inspiring works. Explore, create, and be part of our artistic community!

TSU Gallery Bookings

Request Gallery Space

Calling All Artists – ASI Student Art Show


Entry Submission: Jan. 27 – Mar. 14, 2025


Showcase: Apr. 1 – Apr.30, 2025


Opening Reception: Apr. 10, 2025, from 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM


Traditional Submissions
(E.g., charcoal, paints, colored pencil, traditional photography, etc.)
Prizes: First Place $250, Second Place $150, Third Place $100


Digital Submissions
(E.g., photography, digital drawings, etc.)
Prizes: First Place $250, Second Place $150, Third Place $100


3D/Media Submissions
(E.g., Three dimensional art, sculpture, ceramics, etc.)
Prizes: First Place $250, Second Place $150, Third Place $100

Submission Form


Art Show Guidelines

You MUST fill out the submission form first, then you can drop off your art at the University Conference Center (TSU-121) before 5 PM on Mar.14.

Artwork Requirements:

  • Limited one entry per artist
  • Name and email must be attached to your art piece
  • Maximum art piece dimensions: 30’’H x 30”W x 11”D.
  • Art piece must be framed and ready to install.*
  • Mat board/paper frames/heavy & glass frames are not acceptable

*Exceptions for fully assembled sculptures and stretch canvases with backing hooks or wire already installed


For more information, please contact the Art Programs & Exhibits team at 

ASI Virtual Art Show

Drop-In Art Workshops

ASI is proud to present the Grand Stair Studio Drop-In Art Workshops! We offer various arts and crafts activities to CSUF students with the intention of relaxing and unwinding. Check out our calendar to see the full list of classes for the upcoming semester. Feel free to drop on by during your free time! Materials and supplies are provided, free of charge.


Aja Jett
Brooke Ramirez
Brooke Ramirez
Camila Padilla
Camila Torres-Padilla

2025 Drop-In Art Workshops

Spring 2025 Drop-In Art Workshops

Spring 2025 Workshops
DateWorkshop NameTimeLocation
Feb.3Decorating School Supplies2 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.3Photocard Decorating3 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.5Mini Print Making 10 AMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.5DIY Canvas Painting 11 AMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.6DIY Altoids Tin12:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.6Soda Tab Keychain 1:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.10Love Ceramic Painting2 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.10Valentine's Painting3 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.12DIY Valentine's Basket 10 AMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.12Flower Bouqet11 AMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.13Glass Bead Heart 12:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.13Lip Balm Keychain1:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.17Flower Pen Cover2 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.17DIY Canvas Painting3 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.19DIY Potpourri10 AMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.19Clay Animals11 AMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.20Mirror Painting12:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.20Marble Painting1:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.24Pearler Beads2 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.24Felt Animal Coasters3 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.26Tote Bag Painting11 AMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.26Paper Mosaic10 AMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.27Bottle Cap Pin12:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Feb.27Soda Tab Necklace1:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.3Nature Watercolor Painting2 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.3Intro to Crochet3 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.3Nature Watercolor Painting2 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.5Painting Jars10 AMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.5Pom Pom Garland11 AMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.6Stain Glass Painting12:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.6Candy Tulip1:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.10DIY Key Chains2 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.10DIY Bracelets 3 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.12Resin Pendent Class 10 AMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.13Button Bouqet12:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.13Flower Light1:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.17Decoden Cream Phone Case2 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.17Styrofoam Owls3 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.19Decoden Cream Phone Case10 AMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.19Life Drawing Session11 AMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.20Butterfly Pipe Cleaner12:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.20Decorate a Wooden Object1:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.24Sanrio Felt Characters2 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.24Sanrio Painting3 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.26Photocard Decorating10 AMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.26Pearler Beads11 AMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.27Abstract Painting12:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.27Hello Kitty Plushie1:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.31How to Draw Comic Book Style2 PMGrand Stair Studio
Mar.31Scrapbooking3 PMGrand Stair Studio
Apr.2DIY Fishtank10 AMGrand Stair Studio
Apr.2Button Making11 AMGrand Stair Studio
Apr.3Tote Bag Painting12:15 PMGrand Stair Studio
Apr.3DIY Canvas Painting1:15 PMGrand Stair Studio

Late Night Paint Night

Late Night Paint Night Schedule
October 29, 2024
5PM to 7PM

Come and bring your friends for a night of spooky painting and artistic fun!


Costume Contest during the event to win prizes!


For safety reasons, the TSU does not permit replica weapons and costume masks/face coverings.

Marketing & Design

The Marketing, Communications, & Design (MCD) department is responsible for the centralized marketing, advertising, and public relations efforts for Associated Students Inc., CSUF, including ASI programming and the Titan Student Centers.


In addition, ASI MCD offers advertising services for all clubs and organizations on campus which includes advertising space on LCDs and electronic message boards.

ASI Marketing Request Forms

Marketing Request Form

This form should be used for any projects requiring graphic design for digital and/or traditional print media as well as social media.

Photo, Video & Social Media Request Form

Use this form to request or schedule our photographic or audio/video services (i.e, website portraits, event coverage, promotional videos)

Promo Item & Apparel Request Form

Use this form to order promotional items (t-shirts, pens, sun glasses, lanyards, etc.)

Public Relations/Communications Request Form

Use this form to order communications and public relations writing projects.

Website Request Form

Use this form to request edits to your portion of the ASI website.

ASI Personnel Material Request Form

This form is used to request name tags, ADA door nameplates, and business cards.

Campus Clubs & Organizations Marketing Request Forms

Research Grants

Each year the Associated Students Inc., CSUF offers grants for student research. ASI Student Research Grants are available to CSUF graduate and undergraduate students, from all fields of study, involved in supervised research. The application process begins during the Fall semester and the recipients of the grant are notified by the end of the Fall semester.


The program is monitored by the Corporate Affairs Office. For more information on applying for a research grant, please review the application information BEFORE beginning the online application.

We have a new and improved funding application platform through InfoReady (located on the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects website). Here are a few helpful tips to consider as you complete your application.

You can start and save your progress throughout the application process.

You must complete and upload the Research Grant Budget Worksheet in order for your application to be considered.

The ASI Student Research Grant Application is available now and the application deadline is December 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you should have further questions about the ASI Research Grant application, please contact

How much money can I request?

There is a $2,500 limit on awards. ASI Student Research Grants are awarded in increments of $50. For example, is the cost for your research is $125.89, you can request either $100 or $150.

When is the application deadline and where do I submit the application?

Applications are due November 25, 2024 at 11:59 pm. The application link is listed above. There are no exceptions. 

Can I request funding for research being conducted in the Fall or Summer?

No. Grants are for research being conducted in the Spring 2025 semester only. Retroactive funding is not allowed.

Does my research have to be supervised?

Yes. Your research during the Spring 2025 must be supervised and the application process will require the approval of your Faculty Advisor as an acknowledgment after submitting your application.

What are the eligibility requirements to apply?

Aside from completing and submitting the application by the deadline, our office will need to verify the following for each applicant:

  • Enrollment for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters as degree-seeking CSUF students.
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher for undergraduate and 3.0 or higher for graduate students.
  • Applicants who received research grant funding last year must have submitted a required ASI Student Research Grant Compliance Report.

For the Expenditure Pages Section of the application, do I need to provide price information?

No. For the Expenditure Pages, only include the information asked for in the application.

What types of requests does ASI fund?

The ASI funds the following types of requests:
    • Non-consumable items (items with a shelf life of more than one year). Non-consumables need to be directly relevant to the research and not presently available through the university.
    • Consumable Items (items with a short shelf life or that are used just once).
    • Postage for interviews and surveys not to exceed $100.
  • Study-Site Travel. The study site must be at least a minimum of 100 miles away from campus and within the USA. Sites must be specifically listed on the Expenditure Page(s) with the amount of miles from campus. Mileage is reimbursable at the rate of $0.65 per mile.

What does the ASI not fund?

The ASI does not fund the following:
    • The costs of printing a thesis
    • The costs for telephone calls
    • The costs for lodging in a private/rental home
    • The costs for conference travel, including registration, lodging, etc.
    • The costs for research/lab assistant wages

If I am doing a focus group or having individuals complete a survey, can I ask for funding for incentives?

Yes. You can request funding for incentives. Cash incentives are NOT fundable.

Does my letter of recommendation have to be sealed and on department letterhead?

The letter of recommendation must be on department letterhead but it doesn’t need to be sealed as it will be uploaded as an attachment in the online application.

What if I am part of a group conducting a research project and the group would like to request funding?

In the case of group projects, the student can submit an application for their own part of the research.

What if I am working on two different research projects in the Spring 2025? Can I apply for funding for each project?

Yes. If you will be working on two different research projects during the Spring 2025, you can apply for funding for each project. You must submit a separate application for each project.

If awarded, when will the funds be disbursed?

If awarded, the funds will be disbursed in the Spring 2025 semester. The check will be mailed to the address provided on the application.

When will I be notified if I was awarded or not?

You will be notified via email to the address listed on your application at the end of the Fall semester (after Finals Week).


Associated Students Inc., CSUF (ASI), is pleased to offer scholarship awards to current and continuing students. ASI is a non-profit service organization that places an emphasis on campus and community involvement. The scholarships awarded by ASI are not restricted to any particular major or field of study.


The criteria questions for each scholarship are under each respective description. Additionally, you will be required to answer essay questions for each of the scholarships that you apply for. You can start and save your progress throughout the application process.


After the close of the application window, the committee will review all applications. Please allow a few weeks after the close of the scholarship cycle to receive an award notification update. Applicants will be notified of their award status.

If you have any questions, please call (657) 278-6476 or email

Spring 2025 Scholarships


Spring 2025 ASI scholarship applications will be open from 1/21/25 to 3/11/25 at 11:59 pm. 

Adult Re-Entry Scholarship

Amount: $1,000


Established by: This scholarship was established by Associated Students Inc., CSUF to acknowledge and support the adult re-entry students of CSUF. This scholarship recognizes an adult re-entry student with outstanding campus and/or community involvement and is funded by the Associated Students Inc., CSUF


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  •  Continuing CSUF adult re-entry undergraduate, graduate or credential program student
  • A minimum cumulative CSUF GPA of 2.8
  • Enrollment in a minimum of 6 units
  • Demonstrate community and/ or campus involvement and scholastic and/ or personal achievement
  • * First semester students are not eligible

Carol Burke Memorial Scholarship

Amount: $1000


Established by: This scholarship was established in the spring of 2000 in the memory of Carol Burke. Mrs. Burke was a staff member of the ASI/TSU for 8 years. She served as a Night Manager, Assistant Director of Operations, and finally Director of the Titan Student Union. She enjoyed working with student leaders and was dedicated to student development. Mrs. Burke was a three-time, All-American basketball player at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in 1981-1983 and was inducted into the Cal Poly Pomona Hall of Fame in 1990.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a continuing CSUF undergraduate, graduate and credential program student
  • Have a minimum CSUF cumulative 2.8 GPA
  • Demonstrate participation in a recognized on-campus sports club, Intramural, or National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) team
  • Demonstrate community and/ or campus involvement and scholastic and/ or personal achievement
  • Undergraduate and credential program students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units.
  • Graduate students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units.
  • *First semester students are not eligible.

Formerly Incarcerated Students Scholarship

Amount: $1,000


Established by: This scholarship was established by the Associated Students to support formerly incarcerated students who have attended California State University, Fullerton for a minimum of one semester.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • A minimum cumulative CSUF GPA 2.5
  • Formerly incarcerated
  • Enrollment in a minimum of 6 units
  • Demonstrate community and/ or campus involvement and scholastic and/ or personal achievement
  • Must be a continuing student
  • *First semester students are not eligible.

Graduate Student Scholarship

Amount: $1,000


Established by: This scholarship was established by Associated Students, Inc, CSUF to acknowledge and support the graduate or credential program students with students with outstanding campus and/or community involvement and is funded by the Associated Students, CSUF, Inc.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a continuing CSUF graduate or credential program student
  • Continuing CSUF undergraduate, graduate and credential program student
  • Must have a minimum cumulative CSUF GPA of 3.0
  • Enrollment in a minimum of 6 units
  • Demonstrate community and/ or campus involvement and scholastic and/ or personal achievement
  • *First semester students are not eligible

Harvey McKee Student Leader Scholarship

Amount: $1,000


Established by: The Harvey A. McKee Distinguished Student Scholarship was established in 2004 to recognize Mr. McKee for his contributions to Associated Students, Inc. and the CSUF campus community. In his 34 years at CSUF Fullerton, Harvey has become a friend, mentor, and college with many student leaders trough his associations with the Titan Student Union, and the Associated Students, Inc. Campus faculty, administrators and staff know Harvey for his friendliness, his advocacy of student issues, and his willingness to be a proactive professional on behalf of the campus community.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must have a minimum cumulative CSUF GPA of 2.5
  • Demonstrate campus and/ or community leadership experience within a CSUF club or organization
  • Demonstrate community and/ or campus involvement and scholastic and/ or personal achievement
  • Undergraduate and credential students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units
  • Graduate students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units
  • Open to continuing CSUF full-time undergraduate, graduate, and credential program students.
  • *First semester students are not eligible.

Milton A. Gordon

Amount: $1,000


Established by: This scholarship was established in the fall of 2023 in honor of Dr. Milton Gordon, the fourth president of California State University, Fullerton (1990-2012). During his 22 year term as president, Dr. Gordon demonstrated a passion for equitable access to higher education, and he served as an inspirational, compassionate and generous leader. Dr. Gordon’s theme during his educational career was to support all students, particularly those who would otherwise have little or not chance at achieving a college degree.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must have a cumulative CSUF GPA of 2.5
  • Demonstrate campus and/ or community leadership experience
  • Demonstrate community and/ or campus involvement and scholastic and/ or personal achievement
  • Undergraduate and credential students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units.
  • Graduate students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units.
  • Open to continuing CSUF full-time undergraduate, graduate, and credential program students.
  • *First semester students are not eligible.

Student-Parent Scholarship

Amount: $1,000


Established by: This scholarship is open to continuing CSUF full-time undergraduate, graduate, and credentials students who are parents of one or more dependent children.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a continuing CSUF student
  • Continuing CSUF undergraduate, graduate and credential program student
  • Have a minimum CSUF cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • Enrollment in a minimum of 8 units
  • Be a student parent of a dependent child
  • Demonstrate community and/ or campus involvement and scholastic and/ or personal achievement
  • First semester students are not eligible

Virginia McGarvey Scholarship

Amount: $1,000


Established by: Established in 1994 to honor Mrs. Virginia McGarvey. Mrs. McGarvey was a prominent resident of Fullerton and a longtime supporter of CSUF, ASI, and the student body. She was a humanitarian and well known for having devoted a large part of her life to helping others.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a continuing CSUF undergraduate, graduate and credential program students
  • Must have a minimum CSUF cumulative GPA of 2.8
  • Demonstrate community and/ or campus involvement and scholastic and/ or personal achievement
  • Undergraduate and credential students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units
  • Graduate students must be enrolled in a minimum of 8 units
  • *First semester students are not eligible

ASI Titan Bookstore Scholarship

Amount: $250 voucher towards books


Established by: This program was established by Associated Students and Titan Shops to further support students in their quest for higher education. The program provides 45 students with a bookstore credit to assist students in purchasing books or course materials.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a continuing CSUF undergraduate, graduate and credential program student
  • Demonstrate community and/ or campus involvement and scholastic and/ or personal achievement
  • Must have a minimum CSUF cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • Undergraduate and credential students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units
  • Graduate students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units
  • *First semester students are not eligible.